Hamsa Love

Hamsa Love

Regular price $ 38.00
This piece holds the power of the Hamsa, but for a totally different reason than what we usually see them used for.  Usually, these things are used for seeing your future at large.  This Hamsa takes an interesting twist on the original.  This piece will allow you to see into your future love life.  It will allow you to see the face of your soulmate,  It will give you visions and dreams of what that soulmate will look like, male or female.  It will also send out an energy that will guide our soulmate to you so that way you can spend your life with Mr. Right instead of Mr. Right Now.  The best part is that you don't even have to do anything to activate the piece.  All you have to do is wear the piece and the premonitions will begin coming to you.

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