The All-Djinn
We create a lot of our pieces from scratch, but for some reason, I'm extra proud of this one. I'm not sure if it's because this piece is so powerful, or if it is because we actually cracked the code to the tablet that allowed us to create this piece. Either way, I'm super proud of this one. A few months back we received a tablet that was found in a chamber that the Egyptian Department of Antiquities was investigating. To this day we have no idea how we got the piece, who sent it to use, etc. We just got the tablet and through psychic connections to the piece and uses other pieces we have finally been able to crack the code and make this piece using the magic of the incantation on the tablet.
Into this piece has been set a very powerful entity. He is one of the All-Djinn. That is the best name I could come up with to call him in English. The All-Djinn is just that. He does it all. He grants you whatever it is you want. When you get this piece and you wear it, a telepathic connection will be immediately forged. Through this connection you will be able to telepathically communicate with the djinn to let him know what you truly want out of life-- and this is what he will grant to you. There is no request to big or too small for the All-Djinn and you can use him as many times as you'd like.