Silver-toned Costume Ring with Three Spinners:  Shamash, the Enlightening One
Silver-toned Costume Ring with Three Spinners:  Shamash, the Enlightening One
Silver-toned Costume Ring with Three Spinners:  Shamash, the Enlightening One

Silver-toned Costume Ring with Three Spinners: Shamash, the Enlightening One

Regular price $ 38.00
This piece holds a magic that allow the user to corresponds with the ancient Sumerian God named Shamash.  He is also called the "Illuminating One."  He holds all knowledge and information because he is all knowledge and information.  He can tell you anything that you would like to know.  He can give you the secrets to developing magic, tell you what really happened through history and what will happen in the future.  All you need is this piece to connect you to him and he will divulge any information that you want to know.  
Instructions-- To use this piece you will wear this piece either on your finger or on a chain around the neck that you provide.  You will meditate and while you do you will spin the bands around the ring.  This will summon forth Shamash for the answers to your questions.  He will connect to you and give you information on a telepathic level.  

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