Alpha Wolf Energy Rings
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I cannot go into great detail when discussing who these pieces have come from. We always try to keep things confidential. Instead, I will tell you what. These two pieces hold residual energy from a transformation that we did back at the beginning of November. This transformation was a custom designed transformation and was a first of its kind. It was done in such a way that the individual who was getting the transformation was transformed into an entity called an Alpha Wolf.
An Alpha Wolf is the leader of the pack. He is the supreme wolf of the pack. In terms of shapeshifting and magical abilities, the lead wolf is the one that holds the most powers and the most powerful powers. His power is supreme over all other wolves in the pack. Being an Alpha Wolf takes a lot of discipline and it is a lot of responsibility. Essentially you are not only the most powerful being, but you are the caretaker of the pack who will follow in your own footsteps. In his case, he is not an Alpha Wolf, he is THEE Alpha Wolf. He has received the knowledge of all shapeshifters that have preceded him as well as authority over all shapeshifters that exist to this day.
Luckily for us, the person who was getting the Alpha Wolf transformation was pre-destined to become the Alpha Wolf. It made our job a little easier, but it was still a very, very powerful experience to say the least. These pieces were present at the transformation. They were present at the request of the customer undergoing the transformation. He said he wanted the piece to be there, that way they could go on to help somebody else who might be curious about the same thing.
These pieces hold the residual Alpha Wolf energy. What this means is that when you get this piece, you will first gain a connection to the Alpha Wolf. It will be through him that you are going to receive all o your powers and abilities. This isn't to say that he is going to be the one that is going to be granting them for you. Rather he is a beacon for power and those who gain a psychic bond to him will be able to feel the powers that he emanates.
These pieces will give you a strong sense of pack and of communion. They will give you the ability to take a wolf form, but only in the astral realms You will not be able to physically shapeshift, even he isn't able to do that yet. While in your wolf form, you will be able to meet up with others who are in their wolf forms on the astral plains. You can share your experiences and powers in this form and just really meet up with others who aspire to be like you. You will learn from each other and grow from each other.
Using this piece, you will also gain the ability to summon your own person wolf guide, as we did during the transformation. This will be your personal guide that will lead you through your experience. You will also gain the ability to call upon the six ancient elders, whose names will be given to you when you buy this piece. These are the ancient elders who we called upon to facilitate and finalize our client's transformation.
Basically, this piece (there are two of them) is giving you a taste of the werewolf existence and a connection to the powers of the Alpha Wolf, as well as other wolves and their magic without actually getting a transformation. It is an extremely powerful experience. This much I can tell you.