Truths of the Telling Tree

Truths of the Telling Tree

Regular price $ 44.00
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Today I will be offering all costume pieces. These ones have been done differently, because we have created an energy to put into them that will allow the powers that we have put into them to be placed into a different piece, using a charging box. We did this for two reasons-- 1.) If you don't feel like wearing costume and you'd rather have this power in sterling or gold, you can create it. 2.) To make them more affordable. Remember, the 2018 Christmas sale ends in 6 days-- use code "xmas18" at checkout for 50% off this item until 01/01/19.

This piece is a bit of Native magic. It holds what we are calling the Truths of the Telling Tree. It puts a new perspective on why Natives worshipped nature so much. They believed that nature and what happened in nature would tell them signs about what would happen in their own lives. They could see the reflection of their lives in ponds and lakes, trees would be able to tell their future in the ways their foliage grew and the way their leaves fell in the fall. This is where our magic comes in. This piece comes from an Indian Reservation and holds the magic what is called the Telling Tree. The Telling Tree is a Tree that has connections to all the spirits of the afterlife and the ancient spirits as well. When sitting with the tree it is possible to summon these spirits. They will not only show you what your future holds in store for you but will also give you the elemental magic that allows you to change the future into something that you want it to be versus what it is already. It will also allow you to connect to the ancient on a subliminal level to allow them to manifest their magic through your own body. They will give you the magic that you ask for, including any and all magical abilities that you ask them for.

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