A CELESTIAL TIME CYCLE ( underground auction)
A CELESTIAL TIME CYCLE ( underground auction)
A CELESTIAL TIME CYCLE ( underground auction)

A CELESTIAL TIME CYCLE ( underground auction)

Regular price $ 333.72

This one is really interesting! I never had anything like this one either.

First this one is a celestial being that has spoken about a circular time cycle that keeps repeating itself. When you begin to learn about it your head can spin but it really makes you think. So first things first.

We live in the 21st century but it is almost the exact same as the  21st century B.C! Right now you might be saying, SERIOUSLY!! Yes, seriously! If you go and do your own research you will see exactly what I'm saying is true. So that brings up the question of is our past our future? Again when you look into it you do begin to wonder. Then I also think I might have a video up of VM talking about it as he swears by it. If I don't have one then Daisy will end up doing on soon.

What you are now looking at is a celestial cosmic coded being. I have never offered one before and the gifts and knowledge they bring are astronomical! This being who calls herself Marlaytia and she is a true celestial cosmic being that is made up of the universes DNA or again cosmic code. She brings help but also enlightenment in Art, understanding, music, healing, science and spirituality. She brings help with love and a core understanding of everything as she herself is a never ending cycle. This being is not like anything I have had before and so it is hard to explain. If I could use one thing or word to describe her I would have to say God, if I was just going by her abilities and her knowledge. She is also able to help with connecting to all sorts of things from a higher power to connection with parts of your brain never before in use. There is just so much to her that you really have to experience it yourself. There is also a connection with extraterrestrials as well. When she teaches you about them you learn they are here now and have been here forever. As you may have heard, they walk among us. The possibilities with Marlaytia are endless and she will be a part of your family for generations.

This piece is in sterling silver ansd is a ring.

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