Bilderbergs and Moloch
Bilderbergs and Moloch
Bilderbergs and Moloch
Bilderbergs and Moloch
Bilderbergs and Moloch
Bilderbergs and Moloch

Bilderbergs and Moloch

Regular price $ 82.44


Every year since 1954 a conference of around 130 officials meet in a confined place. The purpose? To discuss finances, how to preserve wealth among the most elite members of society, and of course, take part in magical rituals. Financiers, politicians, royalty, and even a sprinkling of celebrities make up this most coveted group. If you haven't caught on to what I'm alluding to yet, here it is-- the Bilderberg Group.

This year's meeting has taken place in Greece, but this is nothing new. There is almost always an annual meeting in Greece, whether secretly or not-so-secret. The fact is that if they meet in Greece there is more magic readily available because the Grecian Mystery school is obviously headquartered in Greece. It is a tradition that won't soon be broken because they hide under the guise of a "meeting of the minds" or a think tank that is trying to devise solutions to keep the world financially stable. Yeah, okay.

What is truly going on is a meeting where the participants devise ways in which they can continue to oppress the people of the world without making it look obvious. They are very predictable because in most cases this involves some sort of magic or mass ritual that they play on TV or at one of those stupid awards ceremonies for the world to see. They develop brands with sigils that speak to people's subconscious. They create celebrities. I mean, they have pretty much everyone charmed into just handing over their money at this point.

The piece that we are offering is one that was devised at this year's most previous meeting in Greece. This piece is one that is very akin to one of the pieces that we would offer from the Bohemian Grove. That is because in conjures Moloch who is the ancient god of magic and wisdom who is able to grant things ten times more powerful than the average deity. He's been around since before the beginning, which doesn't make a lot of sense to the human mind, but you can take my word for it. He is one of the originals and I'm not talking about that stupid vampire television show. I'm talking about the arcane group of elders who partook in the creation of reality as we know it.

Thus, he is able to grant anything that you ask for and he is ready and willing to do so. That's because, like the Bohemian attendees, the Bilderbergers decided they were going to create a piece that conjures Moloch. In order to do so, they had several blood and burnt offering that was offered to Moloch. He came in human form to mingle with the Christians, which is something that doesn't happen often at Bohemian grove. He drank their wine, used the mortal vessels for his own pleasure, and YES I do mean in THAT way. When he was done he gave them just three pieces that could correspond to him in his realm. I'm not sure what happened to the other two, but as of right now we have one of these pieces.

When using this piece you will first wear it for a total of 14 days to allow the energies to bond properly. Once the energies have bonded you will take a pin and prick your finger. Dab a drop of blood on the stone of this piece. You will then take the piece and meditate with it. Tell the piece what you want Moloch to do with you, just don't do it out loud. Just thinking it is enough. The request will be delivered to Moloch and he will grant it for you. If you are squeamish or don't think you can handle pricking your finger, then don't buy this piece. That is the ritual and it has to be done in order for this piece to work. That's because this piece is powerful and Moloch will do what you ask. He just requires that tiny sacrifice on your part, because magic can never be done with some sort of offering

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