The Benjamin Franklin Murder Club
The Benjamin Franklin Murder Club
The Benjamin Franklin Murder Club
The Benjamin Franklin Murder Club

The Benjamin Franklin Murder Club

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Sometimes we find out that the good guys aren't always the good guys.  Sometimes the good guys are the rich people that control the narrative.  In fact, I think that this might more often be the case than not. When I say the name Benjamin Franklin what is the first thing that comes to mind?  Philadelphia? Two loaves of bread? Electricity? Founding father? How about obsessed sociopath? Maybe serial killer? Perhaps crazed magician? To be honest, there isn't anything wrong about any of these.  Where the issues start to get muddied is when the history books paint this happy little picture of a heroic Benjamin Franklin that lived a happy life with his common-law wife, Debora Read. He was an inventor and a tinkerer and he discovered electricity.  Blah, blah, blah. To quote Shrek, Benjamin Franklin was like an onion. He had layers. Like any sociopathic killer, he had an image that he kept to appease the masses. Then, there was the secretive Ben Franklin who, quite literally, had skeletons in his closet.  

When living in London, Benjamin Franklin acted as ambassador to the colonies.  He lived on 36 Craven Lane and it was that same address that was being converted into a museum in 1998 when the skeletons were found.  These were the skeletons of 15 bodies that were found hidden beneath the basement floor. After being carbon dated, it was determined that the bones were from people who would have been alive between the mid and late 1700s, which would have put them in a timeframe that lined them up with Benjamin Franklin's residence in London.  Those people were killed and hidden by Benjamin Franklin, discovered over 200 years after his own death. Scotland Yard didn't have much to say about it, but then again who is going to be responsible for pointing the finger at such an affluent character in your country's history, not to mention their biggest ally's? They didn't really care much on account of who's really going to care?  However, it remains much larger of an issue than it really is and the people whose "arses" they were covering didn't just end in the name Franklin. More recently, it would have something to do with the last name Windsor.

Of course, there are those who would care to debunk what I have told you and claim that I am a wild and unabashed conspiracy theorist.  They would likely say that Benjamin was a standup citizen. He was kind and caring, and help clout among his fellow countrymen. The bodies that were found in his 36 Craven Street home were simply bodies that he was experimenting on.  He was ahead of his times and simply used those bodies to learn anatomy. While it was illegal to alter the human body in those days, because most were still fundamentalist Christians that believed altering the body nixed their chances of getting into Heaven, this was not the case of the bodies that were found in Ben's old house.  I wouldn't necessarily expect you to believe me other than the fact that we have this piece. This piece was acquired by Deedee from the Underground Auction. I would daresay that it is a Masonic magic piece, despite most of the people being present during the ritual responsible for spawning the magic that has created this piece being Freemason.  A lot of people were Freemasons in those days. It was like the thing to do. Of course, only the "real" ones learned the magic. No, the group of people that Benjamin Franklin entrusted with his prized possession were called the Benjamin Franklin Murder Club and he called the so proudly.  

Not that it makes a difference at all, but the murders that Benjamin Franklin committed were unpurposeful.  In fact, the served their purpose. It doesn't mean it was right, but they didn't die willy-nilly. Not those ones, anyway.  As it turns out Franklin was an avid collector of stuff. He owned all sorts of curios and instruments. This particular one was a tablet that he had acquired from the Library of Alexandria.  I'm sure by now you are all like, "Wait, wasn't the Library of Alexandria destroyed?" Well, yes and no. It was, but then a few sorcerers got together and recreated it. Now, the Library is an underground library that only the rich and affluent know about because it holds the knowledge of literally all the magic in the world.  Getting there is nearly impossible unless you know somebody who knows somebody. In the case of Ben that is what happened. When he traveled to Egypt to lay his eye upon the marvelous curiosities that are held by the Library of Alexandria, a specific tablet caught his eye. This was a tablet carved out of stone with rather deep engravings.  The words, of course, were jibberish to the man or to any man for that matter. It made no difference, he wanted the tablet for his own.  

Not long after receiving the tablet, he began having visions.  These visions came to him and made him aware that what he had taken from the library wasn't merely a tablet, but a powerful tool.  It was a tool that could unlock whatever it is he wanted. Wealth, fame, unlimited power, unlimited knowledge could all be his if he completes the ritual.  The ritual was then shown to him. He gathered up a few of his closest friends and they became the Benjamin Franklin Murder Club. The ritual involved killing enough people to spill blood into the deep carvings of the tablet.  Each time that blood filled the crevices fully, a portal would be opened and the god Thoth would be summoned to those in possession of the tablet. Thoth was created of the seed of Horus and is the Egyptian god of magic and ancient wisdom.  Thus, the god is able to grant whatever his summoners ask for. There were 15 original members of the Murder Club, so they each killed a person, drained their blood, and filled the crevices of the tablet. Clearly we all know what Benjamin Franklin asked for.  His name is synonymous with America. You can't go anywhere without there being a Franklin Street, Franklin County, Franklin School, Franklin this, Franklin that, he is on the $100 bill, rappers rap about him in their songs, he is on commercials, the list goes on and on.  He used his power to forever solidify his name in the history of the entire word. He is quite possibly the most famous person to live, ever. I mean, it's all about the Benjamins, baby!! 

The tablet came with Benji to America, where he re-introduced it to a few of his friends in the new promised land.  Together these rich, powerful men in America (again, most of them Freemasons), racked up quite the body count in order to become powerful and overthrow British rule in America.  In fact, we believe that when Patrick Henry shouted, "Give me liberty or give me death" at the Second Virginia Convention in 1775 that he was referencing the tablet, secret telling his fellow Death Clubbers that they should either agree to stand beside him to acquire liberty or kill him and shed his blood on the tablet so that it could be used to acquire it.  Of course, this wasn't for reason of morality, as the government of America is as corrupt as any. Eventually, the tablet was sent back to Britain, where it was gifted to the British Monarchy. They have used this piece time and time again to accomplish the things that they want and to create the magic they so crave. In fact, we heard rumors from our underground connections that the reason Megxit happened was that Prince Harry had enough of all the murder that was going on.  That could be hearsay, but it makes sense. I mean, the royals look fabulous on the outside, but really the queen is like a gazillion years old. What is keeping her alive? Magic. Maybe not only magic from Franklin's tablet, but you can bet your bottom dollar that the tablet has something to do with it.  

So, here is the bottom line.  Deedee acquired this item from the Underground Auction from a seller who has many years of experience in the business.  He got this piece from connections that he has in the London Underground. This piece is one in a succession of pieces that have been made from a piece that Benjamin Franklin created the very first night that he used his tablet.  Throughout the years, new pieces have been fortified with the powers of the old piece. I don't know how many generations of pieces there are between the original and the one that Deedee purchased, but I can tell you that this piece is just as powerful as the original.  This piece allows you to use the powers of the Franklin Tablet without actually having to have the tablet. You don't have to murder anybody and you only need a pinprick of blood. You will get the instructions for this piece when you purchase it. Well, you will have to email us and we will send them.  Either way, this piece is incredibly powerful. when you use it, it will take you to the astral realms where a portal between this world and the realm of the gods will open. Thoth will show himself to you in his full form. You will be able to ask him for anything that you want. When I say anything, I literally mean anything.  He brings with him the knowledge of ancient Egyptian Creation Magic that allows him to do so.  


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