Swedenborg's Manifestation of Thought
Swedenborg's Manifestation of Thought
Swedenborg's Manifestation of Thought

Swedenborg's Manifestation of Thought

Regular price $ 202.00
This piece resurrects brings forth the presence of a very powerful cleric named Emanuel Swedenborg.  You might be thinking, "Ohh, great.  Just what I need, another spirit around the house."  The truth is, actually this is exactly what you need.  Why?  Swedenborg gives you an insanely powerful ability that allows you self-manifest anything that you can think of into reality.  During his life, Swedenborg has been credited with many accomplishments, including the workings of alchemy of the soul and even the found of a church of esoteric thinking called the New Church.  However, we are not here to celebrate Swedenborg's life, rather the power that he possesses that he is going to give to you.  
This power, which is called the Manifestation of Thought, has been written about in a series of secret manuscripts that Swedenborg has kept so clandestine that not even his closest associates knew about it.  It has never been discovered and never will be, because he hid it in the confines of a secret realm that only he knows about.  With your new piece and your new ability to summon Swedenborg at your beck and call, he will give you the powers of Manifestation of Thought.  With this power, you can literally create anything simply by thinking about it. 
When thinking about what you wish to create into reality, it forms a thought form.  This thought form, then undergoes a series of alchemy transformation, during which, whatever you were thinking comes to pass as reality.  This is ultra powerful, as it can allow you to think anything into existence-- a companion, money, any type of entity or spirit, any type of magic, etc.  Besides, it's always good to have a powerful cleric that you can call upon whenever you want to, to give you answers that you desire.  
To keep the entities you have come into your existence you will just need any type of vessel.

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