Angelic Vortex

Angelic Vortex

Regular price $ 177.77
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From January 1st, 2019 until February 15th, 2019 there will be no shipping. We are moving to a bigger office. If you have stuff on the books now it will be shipped! If you order again and have an existing order on the books Lindy will combine it into one package, possibly. If you are ordering now it will be saved for you and will be shipped when I’m back. I have the underground auction, investigations, and customers to see. During that time Lindy will be moving offices. You are free to purchase but it will not be shipped until starting the 15th of February. Under no circumstance will anything be shipped in that time. If you can’t wait, don’t buy. I repeat for those who will ask me to explain this if you can’t wait don’t buy! As I get unique items I will show them through email and ship them from where I’m at. Thank you for your understanding.

This pendant offers an infusion of holy, white light magic. You will see that on the pendant there is one large stone compared to the other smaller stones. This is the stone that holds the magic. It is the stone that was obtained from the Garden of Eden inside of an Angelic Birthing cave where God stores the powers that he has that allows him to create angels. As you can imagine the ability that you are going to get is something similar. We acquired this piece during an astral travel experiment. That really is the extent of how we came across it. I personally think it was meant to be because we were led straight to the birthing cave and when you have a gut instinct it is always best to just go with it. That's why I brought a sampling of the cave's powers back to Earth.

I had the original stone, which looked similar to this one but not as pretty, removed and I my stone set into its place. We are calling this piece Calling all Angels. The first thing you will be able to do with this piece is to develop a connection with your own guardian angel. This guardian angel holds your destiny and when you gain a connection to this angel you use her magic to manipulate your destiny to have it include whatever it is you want it to include.

The second way you can use this piece is by allowing it to create an angelic vortex in your home. To do this you place the pendant and chain inside of a circle of salt. Let it sit this way for seven days straight. On the 8th day, the vortex will begin to be created. You will not see anything as far as the vortex is concerned, but you will be able to connect to it telepathically. You will e able to use this vortex to pull through any angel that you summon. You must call the forth by their name, so you will have to do a little bit of research. However, when you call them they will definitely come. They will grant you whatever white light miraculous abilities that they possess. Wanna talk about holy? That's about as holy as it gets, Am I right??

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