Regular price $ 22.00


These are the luckiest little spirit beings we have found. These work on many things from abundance in wealth, in ritual practice, astral travel, meditation, giving of gifts, opening of the third eye and healing. They will even every single day work on clearing your space and life of negative energy. These little spirits called Shrimshaws are true powerhouses! How have we used them?


All the listed things above we have employed these Shrimhaws to heo us with. In ancient and long lost rituals they are amazing even if they look crazy. These are just the vessels we have picked because I got a ton of them for Hatchie and she loves them. They come very handy when you need a item for something you can't get today. Say you need a forked tongue of wallaby, well now you have it! 

If your seeking love yet already have a spell or a item to work with these will help it or them along and push the issue getting you results faster.

You need wealth but feel nothng works or that the magic is not working for you. These Shrimshaws will get in there and shove the power over the top!

You want help in astral travel just call upon your Shrimshaw.

Help with protection or cleansing or anything you can think of, call them.

You want luck in other things you wish to do speak to them or even clip them to a purse, hidden or otherwise.

Want something fun for your kids that is safe and will help them, these are it.

These are also pens and you can write your wishes if you want to but it is not needed. If the ink is not working or runs out you can buy the ink replacememts which are the inexpensive ones.

The have names on the back but you can rename them. 

We have many styles from Disney to Star Wars and then some. So look through them all and take your pick.

These are strong and powerful enough to give you the supernatural power you want from the occult mysteries to the simple stuff like spell casting. Amazing for adults and children with extreme protection! You can't go wrong with these in any kind of way!



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