Gandaharan Wealth Alchemy

Gandaharan Wealth Alchemy

Regular price $ 88.88




Layaways are now available. You will need to put 20% down. You need to pay at least monthly. You have six months to pay it off. You need to email to set up your layaway with a link for what you want. Your item will not be removed until you put your 20% down. There are NO REFUNDS on layaways. Know this BEFORE putting it on! If for some reason you cannot finish paying your layaway, whatever you have paid toward your layaway will be converted to store credit.


All $38.00 pieces from all websites are items that can be replaced. If you are seeing an item, but it is out of stock you can simply email and request a duplicate. Likewise, you may not always be receiving what the picture shows. The piece will always hold the exact same powers, though, so you don't have to worry about that. If emailing for a replacement piece, please be sure to specify what type of jewelry you like and we will try our best to get you that. Again, when you purchase a $38.00 item, you may not always get what you see pictured, but it will always hold the same power. These are Carnival of Caveness, $38.00 items.


This piece is an antique.  It was made with real malachite and Italian beads.   



We offer many different types of wealth pieces and this is one of them. At an underground auction, we found something that is very rare. It's an original silver monetary coin from the ancient region of Gandhara. You might be wondering what was so special about the coin. First of all, it's ancient. It's also sterling silver. However, the reason that this coin is so much more powerful than other coins that we have acquired along the way is that Gandaharan coins were not simply minted and used for purchasing goods. These coins were created with a gift that keeps on giving.  


Mainstream will not tell you this, but I don't care what mainstream says. GGFGandaharan coins were created with alchemic magic. They didn't just hold monetary value, but they held wealth energies that would generate more and more wealth for those who owned the coins. So, what we have done is we have used the coin that we have acquired to create a piece that holds the energies of the coin from Gandhara.  


Now, had we discovered something like this and it was a once and one thing, we probably would have charged way more money for it than this. Since we can essentially make as many of these items as we want, we have dropped the price drastically. We aren't greedy people folks. The piece that is listed will grant you a continuation of great wealth. This wealth will come to you from all directions and all places. It will grant you various types of wealth that you need!  


Here's the thing. If you are reading this and the items are shown as out of stock that is because the original piece that we have made has been purchased. You can email and tell her that you would like another one made. She will work with you to get a piece that you like. Just beware that the price point is going to stay the same. We've already drastically lowered the price of this listing so that way these would be available for everyone!  


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