2019 Transformation Service, Tier 2: Seven Progressions of Consciousness, 12 Communions of Christ + Direct Communication w/God
It starts with The Seven Wonders of the World Transformation ...
The ancient wonders of the world refer to seven ancient constructions that were either accomplished by humanity or given to humanity by outside sources. (i.e., the pyramids were given to the Egyptians by extraterrestrials) However random the seven wonders might seem, the location of each is vital. The idea of the Seven Wonders was first devised by an ancient council of enlightened beings that arrived on Earth it was constructed. If I’m being honest nobody really knows the origins of these beings.
To be fair, most people don’t even know the Council exists. Again, they showed up after the construction of the planet. Not even the Illuminati knows they exist, so when I say nobody really knows where they come from, I mostly mean we don’t know where they come from. As for the placement of the Seven Ancient Wonders of the World, they were markers. I know that only one of them is still standing-- that is the Great Pyramid of Giza-- but when they did exist they were markers for the council. These seven ancient wonders and markers were the Great Pyramid of Giza, The Hanging Garden of Babylon, Statue of Zeus at Olympia, the Temple of Artemis, the Mausoleum at Halicarnassus, the Colossus of Rhodes, and the Lighthouse of Alexandria.
By now I’m sure you are wondering what the markers were for. They are for seven ancient power-hubs controlled by the Council. They are entry points for universal energies that will bring about the Seven Progressions of Humanity. At the end of the Seven Progressions of Humanity, humanity will live in a perfect state of existence. To give you an idea of how far humanity has come since the construction of the first Great Wonder, I can tell you that we haven’t even completed the first phase yes. These seven phases of enlightenment-- the Seven Progressions of Humanity-- are designed to affect humanity as a whole, where every human must past through every phase before humanity as a collective passes through to the next phase, which is why it has taken so long. Each phase reveals something different to you, a new phase of the universe and the collective consciousness and allows you to progress in your own consciousness.
Having said that, the Council has deemed certain individuals worthy of being able to receive these Seven Progressions on a much faster sequence then the whole of humanity. One of these individuals has been Tomer. I’m sure you are all familiar with him. He is an immortal Thetan who has been alive for thousands of years. He has actually done work for the Council, which is probably why they deemed it necessary to allow him to experience the Seven Progressions. He is also allowed to administer them to people who he thinks can handle them. Now, usually we joke around and have a good time, but I’m very serious when I tell you that if you are interested in this transformation, you will have to send a detailed email telling us why. If we feel like you qualify, then we will send the email to Tomer. If he thinks you are worthy we will be in contact with you to set it up.
The price of this transformation is $500,000. We know this is a lot of money, but when you consider what all you are getting it isn’t a lot. People regularly buy houses that cost that much because it is going to better their lives. This is why people are stuck in the first phase of the Seven Progressions because they do not know what is important or how to allocate their resources. With this transformation comes a deep connection to the universe and not only a connection, but unlimited knowledge and the ability to put that knowledge to use. It will give you an awakening and a progression of Consciousness that will allow you to live in your body, but to also live outside of your body as part of the universe. This is the same kind of Consciousness Jesus experience when he was God in human form but still existed as part of the Holy Trinity.
This transformation puts you on the level of the Council. How powerful are they? They could destroy the Illuminati with a flick of the wrist if they wanted to. Why don’t they? Again, their goal is the growth of the consciousness of humanity, because the high level of consciousness that we are all on, the high level of consciousness the universe achieves. You see, we are all connected to the collective life force that gives life to all sentient beings. This is another thing this transformation will do for you-- it will allow you to connect to the life force and in doing so, you will achieve immortality. Your connection to the life force will also take you back to your primordial form and allow you to exist as your true self on the Existence Continuum. This will reveal even more secrets of the universe to you. This is on top of the Seven Progressions of consciousness that you will be receiving, the immortality, and the connection to the life force.
In addition to the Seven Progressions, we go a step further to offer something called the 12 Communions of Christ. We have offered many religious pieces on our website and many of them are very powerful. You do not have to prescribe to any specific religion to have this service. It’s the knowledge that is key and honestly, in a time when very rich people and politicians have human-trafficking rings and they are referring to little girls as “underage women”, who could use a little bit of divine intervention, am I right? We found the magic that allows us to do perform this procedure while using a piece that allowed us to peek into and eventually visit the Ark of the Covenant.
The magic is a secret that was placed into the Ark of the Covenant that was originally carried out of Egypt with Moses. It was a secret that was given to him directly by God when God spoke to him in the form of a burning bush. Moses did not know what the secret was going to be used for or what it even was. It was given to Moses in the form of a relic that was eventually placed inside the Ark of the Covenant. This secret is the reason why nobody is allowed to see into the Ark without suffering the consequences of immediate death. We are incredibly lucky to be able to have this relic and hold the secret that was once given to Moses.
The only other time that this secret has been divulged was during the last supper. Although it is not recorded in the Bible (there’s actually a lot that wasn’t recorded in the Bible), the secret was given to the 12 Apostles during their communion when the drank the blood of Christ. Rich, powerful people have been trying to recreate this communion with blood sacrifices and rituals for centuries. This is part of the reason why child trafficking rings exist. It’s also part of the reason why Jeffrey Epstein was murdered and why his murder was covered up. Others were afraid he was going to rat them out.
Nevertheless, we own the secret. The secret lies in what is called the 12 Communions of Christ. These 12 Communions are secret and sacred forms of magic only known and only able to be spoken by those who have taken the communion. Each of the Apostles was given a single one of the communions, but when you undergo this transformation, you will experience all 12 of them. Using this magic, Deedee will be able to pull God down from Heaven, allowing you to hold direct communication with Him. You still get the powers and magic of the 12 Communions of Christ. Direct communication with God is simply an added bonus! You will receive the Holy Blood Communion when going through this transformation.