A Pound of Flesh
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$ 38.00
In the ancient days of England, it was well known that the Blue Annis was a dangerous entity to reckon with. That is why many of the people of these times stayed away from her. They knew her magic and her iron sharp claws were no match for their weaponry of the dead. They'd either steer clear of her at all costs, or they would bring her pounds of human flesh. For the latter dead bodies would be given to her. There were those that entered into the business of killing others in order to give the flesh to the Blue Annis. In exchange for their flesh offerings, the Blue Annis would either agree not to attack their town and villages or she would give them the magic that they wanted. She wasn't hard to please, she just desired the human flesh, It wasn't that she was eating the flesh. That was and is still a misconception. Instead, it was the energy of the human flesh that allowed her to create her magic, which is why she terrorized the humans in the first place. Oh well, though. It's the whole food chain thing. If you have iron claws, sometimes you win.
Either way, the Blue Annis has since metamorphosized into her spiritual form. Here's the thing-- she is in spirit form and can't practice any of her magic because she doesn't have human flesh. Into this piece has been summoned the soul form of the Blue Annis, one of the most terrorizing witches of all times, but also one of the most powerful. When you wear this piece you will enter into an agreement with the witch. She can use the energies of your flesh as she pleases, but she cast an unlimited amount of spells on your behalf. All you have to do is communicate via a telepathic vibe what spells you want to be cast she will make sure they get done. This is a win-win because your body is constantly growing new skin cells, so the energies of your flesh will never deplete. Also, you get all the magic that you want. Oh, and nobody has to die. I don't know if she realized that in Medieval times, but you know, people change. Either way, this piece is powerful and if you want an unlimited supply of spells, this is the one!