This piece holds Aboriginal magic that has been passed down since the beginning of time. When I saw the beginning of time, I mean the beginning of man's time on Earth. It is believed the Aboriginals of Australia are some of the first, if not the first, humans on Earth. This is when Australia was a much larger continent than it is now. It was in these ancient times when the Aboriginals were given the magic of the cosmos via a god that is called the Rainbow Serpent. He shows up as a serpent of knowledge in many different colors. The many different colors are the reflections of the many different magics that he holds. In fact, he is the god of wisdom and holds the secrets to all ancient and arcane magic.
The pendant on this necklace holds the presence of the rainbow serpent and you can tell this when you look at the pendant. It shines forth with all the brilliant colors of the rainbow. This piece allows you to hold a connection to the rainbow serpent and his knowledge. If there is magic you need to know about or magic that you want to have, you will simply meditate with this piece and ask the rainbow serpent to reveal it to you. This will usually happen in the form a vision of a dram, but could just show up without even announcing its arrival.