This piece holds the ancient knowledge of Abremelin the Mage. Abramelin lived on the borders of where the West meets the East, which was the cultivation area where many of the world's religions began. Abramelin embraced multiple religious doctrines, picking and choosing the magic that he wanted along the way. His teaching s are the most powerful of each religion condenses in teachings called the ook of Abramelin the Mage.
This piece holds the magic of Abramelin the Mage in its ability to allow you to receive a spiritual enlightenment. This piece will allow you to abandon your human existence, to exist as a demi-god. I only say demi-god because your mind will function like that of a god, but you will still have your mortal body. You will be able to ascend in the realms of enlightenment, where you will be able to use the energies of the cosmos to create your own powers and abilities. Moreover, you will be given ancient wisdom that will take you back to the beginning, so you can see the passing of mankind's time on Earth. It will give you a better understanding of what the point of existence is, as well as what happens in the afterlife.
This Pink and clear stone has been forged with the powers of Abramelin and will bring you all the abilities listed above!