Ancestral Life Cycles
Regular price
$ 38.00
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From January 1st, 2019 until February 15th, 2019 there will be no shipping. We are moving to a bigger office. If you have stuff on the books now it will be shipped! If you order again and have an existing order on the books Lindy will combine it into one package, possibly. If you are ordering now it will be saved for you and will be shipped when I’m back. I have the underground auction, investigations, and customers to see. During that time Lindy will be moving offices. You are free to purchase but it will not be shipped until starting the 15th of February. Under no circumstance will anything be shipped in that time. If you can’t wait, don’t buy. I repeat for those who will ask me to explain this if you can’t wait don’t buy! As I get unique items I will show them through email and ship them from where I’m at. Thank you for your understanding.
This piece holds a Native American Ancestral spirit guide. You don't necessarily have to be Native American to use this piece, but if you are Native American it will probably work easier for you. Not necessarily more powerful, but what I mean is that the powers will come to you quicker than they would somebody who isn't Native. Either way, it will work for everyone in due time. This piece is all about your life cycles. When you wear this piece you will be taken back to the beginning. By beginning, I mean your beginning. This could be 20 lifetimes ago, or it could be 2 lifetimes ago. Nobody really knows for sure, because unless you've already achieved some type of awakening or enlightenment, nobody really knows how many lifecycles they have already lived. That is where the powers that are in this piece come into play. They provide an awakening that will allow you to actually see into the past to be able to know all of your lifecycles that have actually passed. You will get to visit them and relive moments from them if you want to. You will be able to dive into self-exploration during which the secrets of your many, or not so many, past lives will be revealed. They will all merge together as one and when this happens you will experience a spiritual healing and cleansing unlike any you have experienced. That is because you will finally exist as one WHOLE person, instead of just a tiny shard of existence. This will allow all the powers you have ever known to merge together and you will be able to use them in your day to day life. Now, as with any of these lifecycle pieces, I cannot guarantee what powers you will get, but I can tell you that everybody has some form of powers that they innately just have. These are the powers that will be opened up for you that you will be able to use.
From January 1st, 2019 until February 15th, 2019 there will be no shipping. We are moving to a bigger office. If you have stuff on the books now it will be shipped! If you order again and have an existing order on the books Lindy will combine it into one package, possibly. If you are ordering now it will be saved for you and will be shipped when I’m back. I have the underground auction, investigations, and customers to see. During that time Lindy will be moving offices. You are free to purchase but it will not be shipped until starting the 15th of February. Under no circumstance will anything be shipped in that time. If you can’t wait, don’t buy. I repeat for those who will ask me to explain this if you can’t wait don’t buy! As I get unique items I will show them through email and ship them from where I’m at. Thank you for your understanding.
This piece holds a Native American Ancestral spirit guide. You don't necessarily have to be Native American to use this piece, but if you are Native American it will probably work easier for you. Not necessarily more powerful, but what I mean is that the powers will come to you quicker than they would somebody who isn't Native. Either way, it will work for everyone in due time. This piece is all about your life cycles. When you wear this piece you will be taken back to the beginning. By beginning, I mean your beginning. This could be 20 lifetimes ago, or it could be 2 lifetimes ago. Nobody really knows for sure, because unless you've already achieved some type of awakening or enlightenment, nobody really knows how many lifecycles they have already lived. That is where the powers that are in this piece come into play. They provide an awakening that will allow you to actually see into the past to be able to know all of your lifecycles that have actually passed. You will get to visit them and relive moments from them if you want to. You will be able to dive into self-exploration during which the secrets of your many, or not so many, past lives will be revealed. They will all merge together as one and when this happens you will experience a spiritual healing and cleansing unlike any you have experienced. That is because you will finally exist as one WHOLE person, instead of just a tiny shard of existence. This will allow all the powers you have ever known to merge together and you will be able to use them in your day to day life. Now, as with any of these lifecycle pieces, I cannot guarantee what powers you will get, but I can tell you that everybody has some form of powers that they innately just have. These are the powers that will be opened up for you that you will be able to use.