This piece was created by a German witch hunter. Yes, there are still witch hunters but for the most part these days they only hunt down the witches that practice extremely dark arts and intend to harm mankind. The world is constantly on the brink of Apocalypse for some reason or another while most humans just go on happily and obliviously living their lives. Either way, this piece has been triple-cast with an old German abjuration spell. This piece can work in two ways. Either you keep it in your house and it will keep all evil and evil spirits away from your home. Or, you can wear it and it will keep all evil and evil spirits away from your person.
This piece doesn't just dispel evil spirits, but it dispels all spirits unless you allow them to stay. This piece is not only good at getting rid of evil spirits, but also spirits in general if you live in a haunted home or you have poltergeist playing pranks on you.