Angelic Trine Stone Bracelet
This piece is sterling silver with angelic trine stones. This piece gives you an amazing ability that very few people will ever get in their lifetime. The reason these are called trine stones is that when you wear it the angelic trine is formed. There are three sides to this trine. There is you-- the mortal. There is the angelic power-- the divine. Then there is interdimensional transcendence-- the energetic.
Basically, this piece allows you to leae your body and take full angelic form in Heaven. You will be given a perfect angelic body such as Metatron was given when he ascended into Heaven. In this angelic form, you wll receive divine attunement. You will be given the frequencies of the divine. The magic of the language Enochia will be revealed to you. The 72 names of God will be written in your mind, with the powers that go along with them. You will be given access to the crystal pyramid, the store house of white light magical abilities.