Antique Lock, Not a Production: Kabbalah Mysteries of the Brotherhood of Light AKA the Ascended Masters
This piece is a conjuring piece of sorts that conjures one of the most powerful kabbalists to exist in modern history. Well, it's not really that modern to the people who live today, but taken into consideration how old the Earth and humankind have been in existence, it is safe to say that he is a relative newcomer. He has since been deceased, or so the history books will tell you. His grave marker in at Mile End in the United Kingdom. People visit his grave, just as they would Marie Laveau's, hoping to gain some glimpse of a miracle or to gain some power. It isn't ever going to happen, because the magician was never laid to rest there. Instead, he became an esoteric form and joined the ranks of the Ascended Masters. They were never his intentions, but due to the nature of his magic and how powerful it had become, he was remitted into their ranks. This is not something one can simply say "thanks, but no thanks," to. The Ascended Masters pretty much control and expedite every single type of magic there is in the world. Of course, there are different masters for different types of powers, but they are the ones who call the shots when it comes to magic.
If you are still a bit puzzled as to whom I could be talking about, wonder no more. I am talking about none other than the Baal Shem of London. He was born in 1708 as Hayyim Samuel Jacob Falk. His birth place was either Furth in Bavaria, or maybe is was Pidhaytsi in Podolia. Nobody really seems to know. One thing that is known for sure is that he narrowly escaped being burnt at the stake after being charged with sorcery by the authorities in Westphalia.... Well, duh. The Baal Shem was then taken in by the German Count Alexander Leopold Antonvon Rantzau. Yes, I know that its a mouth full to say, so we won't make you say it again. He stay in 1736, the Baal Shem made many impressive Kabbalistic performances for the German royal court of Count Alexander.
Sometime after his stay in Germany, the Baal Shem showed up in London. He was able to practice his magic freely here, without being prosecuted. Well, then again maybe he never got punished because he had learned his lesson the first time and had taken to only performing his magic in the shadows. Whatever the case may be, it is important to understand that he developed quite the reputation for his extraordinary powers. While living in England the Baal Shem made many secretive visits to the Epping Forest in his carriage. Aside form having buried treasure he, this is also where he would use his Kabbalistic powers to sit and speak with God. God would give him different powers-- the ability to heal, the ability to bless, the ability to raise from the dead, the ability to control the elements, etc. He would take these powers back to the common populace in London and astound their minds with what he was taught.
The Baal Shem of London supposedly died 17 April 1782, however this isn't true at all. Rather, he allowed people to think that he had died, so he could achieve full ascension into the likes of the Brotherhood of Light AKA the Ascended Masters. With this piece comes the summoning of the Baal Shem and his most astounding power ever. During his life people would tell him that his magic was great and all, but he'd always been hungry for more. Yeah, the magic was great and all, but he wanted earth-shattering ability-- the ability change the destiny and lives of those who besought his powers! This is exactly what he got after his ascension.
This piece summons the Baal Shem for the purpose of changing your destiny. When you use this piece, you must call upon the Baal Shem and implore of him whatever you wish to be manifested in your life. All you have to do is wear your piece and allow your mind to enter a trance-like state. Then, speak your intentions. Your interactions might not be as powerful the very first time you use the piece, but the Baal Shem will hear... He always hears. This is because he is warming up to you. Whatever you ask for will happen, but over time his presence will become more formidable and he will be more personable with you in your requests. You can literally ask for anything to take place in your destiny and the Baal Shem will make it happen. His kabbalah powers have allowed him personal contact with God who has extended this destiny power to him. Therefore, this destiny will completely sanctioned and fully blessed.
This piece is old and a working pad lock of magical paranormal power. It is NOT a reproduction.
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