Artemis, ORION and the Raw Powers of the Pyramids
Artemis was perhaps one of the most widely venerated deities of the ancient Greek Pantheon. She is the goddess of the moon, also of the hunt, and of the forests and hills. She is Zeus' daughter, the twin sister of Apollo. She was the hunting companion of Orion, boasting powers and bravery never before displayed by a female deity. She was called Artemis of the Mistress of Animals.
This is because she was bold and fearless in the wake of the powers and ability that inherited from being the daughter of the King of Gods, Zeus. Being the best friend of Orion played a huge role in the legend of Artemis. As it is written, Artemis was out hunting with Orion when he was killed by a scorpion sent by Gaea. All of his knowledge would eventually be passed to Artemis when Orion was laid to rest in the heavens among the stars. The powers I'm speaking of are the same powers that Orion still exhibits in current times. It is the same power that has been placed in the constellation Orion at the point of his veneration as a God. More specifically it is the power of Orion's belt, his most inner and central being-- guarding against the vulnerability of what lies beneath-- the pure magic he was given as a God.
The magic of Orion is the same magic of the Egyptians. I want you to understand something. The Greeks were skywatchers as were the Egyptians. Thus, the Greeks and Egyptians both had an understanding of the way the powers of the Universe. Each Greek god has a counterpart constellation and the stories told by the Greeks often symbolize things that have taken place in the universe. They tell these stories, similar to the way Jesus told parables. To decode the stories is oftentimes to come across a great source of power, as the Egyptians did with Orion's belt. This piece was recovered from a Wiccan Moon Temple. I know you're probably thinking, "What the hell does this have anything to do with it? Well, hear me out. Wiccans venerate a lot of the same gods of the past. Artemis is one of the Gods that are venerated because she is the goddess of the moon. It's just the tradition that has been passed down through witchcraft. It doesn't have to be complicated. Now, here's where you have to pay attention. Through the story of Orion's death through the hands of Gaea and her Scorpion, we are given a secret message. Who is in the field with Orion when he dies? Artemis, that's right. She is given one last chance to preserve her partner's powers, which she absorbs along with her own. Since Artemis is the goddess of the moon, this is a direct representation that somehow, in some way shape or form the powers of Orion were in jeopardy. A copy of these powers was stored in our moon by the gods. This piece channels the power of the moon because it comes from the Moon Temple. Now, take this all in and consider what this piece means! This item is a divine channeling of Artemis goddess of the Moon. Yes, she was the goddess of other things, but she was specifically goddess of the moon. It channels the moon energy to summon the powers of Artemis for you. Thus, with this piece you are only going to get the power of all spells, white magic, and witchcraft associated with the moon. It doesn't stop there, though. You will also gain a copy of the original magic of Orion, which is a form of magic that has been used by the Egyptians since the beginning of Egyptian times! It has been stored in the Pyramid that is in the core of the moon. I'm pretty sure I've told you all about this pyramid before, but if not-- there's a pyramid on the moon.; Evidently it holds the powers of both Artemis the moon goddess AND Orion. Thus, using this piece you will also gain all the powers and knowledge of the Egyptian witchcraft, white magic, and spells! It is the ultimate witchcraft piece, as it will bring you a bounty of magic and spells of dual nature AND the knowledge to be able to use them all! There is an array of abilities and powers it will bring you including full psychic awakening, summoning, conjuring, astral magic, moon magic, etc. There are just too many to be listed here, but remember practice makes perfect, so use this piece as often as possible to make it as powerful as you can and to unlock ALL of its powers!