King Solomon had many supernatural items that held occult power in which was given to them by God himself. These items were mirrors, lamps and rings. This is one of the rings. The rings were made to hold full power over all spirits except God and Christ himself. This was not like owning a djinn and hoping it would work for you, no! This was having full and total control over all beings.
A example of this is if you wanted to work with a djinn you just said "go and bring me gold" and that is exactly what would happen. If you wanted to know the secrets of the universe you could ask a spirit who you thought would know and get those answers. There is no asking but they are compelled to provide you with what you ask for.
We like to ask that people do research on items so they can see for themselves that these things actually existed and what they did. Most people talk about the Djinn that King Solomon had but never about anything else. I wonder if they feel that only djinn sell but to me a ring that controls all if much better then dealing with djinn who can get uppity. Not that all djinn do because many don't but your more powerful ones do just because they feel they are above humans when in reality by rule of the universe they are not. What it is, is that most humans haven't tapped into the power of both the mind and soul. If humans did this then it would be game on and nothing could touch you! If unlocking that power is something you are interested in you would contact STEVE for that.
Now back to this. So this ring will give you full control and dominion over ALL spirits and creatures. You will hold the ring or wear it and call who you want. Now while this seems so easy and it is it is still not a small power. This is powerful and not like any other ring or Solomon piece you would get. This was made by a blind Jewish man who can turn his face into God and speak from his mouth Gods voice. It was he who made this ring.
This is very rare and a piece you won't come across every day. Now on this item I can get more but they take a long time to do it. I have mind which is amazing and made of white gold and rubies. I would never give mine away or sell it, EVER! That is how much I love this power. I used it today to gain something I wanted and I had it in one hour, not bad.
This ring is real 14k gold with real gemstone, you can wear it on a finger or a chain. To use the piece you just hold it up and speak out loud what to whom you wish to speak to. Steve was able to get this one on one of his transformational jobs. He was doing the guy and he pulled two. For some reason the guy wanting the transformation wanted wealth and during the job these came through. It was unusual but all of te description above is accurate as to what it is and does. The gemstone is a gorgeous light unusual green.