Aryan Reversion and the Cyclopean Eye
Hitler was a very powerful man who was able to manufacture is own knowledge when he was the ruler of early all of Europe. However, during his tenure, he ignored the fact that true knowledge does not come through power. True knowledge comes through the understanding of one's own body and mind. His creation of the Aryan race was loosely based on the teachings of Madame Helena Blavatsky, a Russian spiritualist. I can at least say that he didn't do much in the way of making her proud of celebrating the true meaning of her work. She spent many years in Tibet uncovering the secrets of the ancient swastika. Adolf Hitler did nothing but bastardize the whole meaning of the Swastika, turning it into little more than a modern symbol of ethnocentrism and hatred.
Here's the thing. In ancient times, before Christianity prevailed as the world's most dominant religion, plunging Europe into the Dark Ages, a group of enlightened individuals migrated into the land known as India. These are the people of the Aryan race. They took with them a divine spirituality that they shared with those they encountered and sort of merged the two cultures. The same thing happened in Europe. This is why the Swastika is omnipresent in European history. It is a symbol of divine wisdom and omnipotence and the ability to control your body in ways that are incredible. In fact, the powers that are represented by the Swastika is the ability to render oneself into the primordial form and become the god that exists within.
The thing is that the ancient Atlantean people existed in a highly spiritual form. It was a highly evolved version of the human body. They could see their soul through their skin and this allowed them to access higher consciousness. The fact is that humans are nothing more than "fallen" gods and goddesses that are capable of manifesting their own divine will. The Atlanteans knew this and they could do it. This is because the possessed an actual functioning organ in the center of the forehead called the Cyclopean Eye. This Eye was their connection to the divine. They were also several feet taller than modern humans.
Unfortunately, over the course of time, through disagreements and political battle, the Atlanteans began to experience unrest as to how their people should be governed. Their worries turned more to the physical than spiritual and their bodies began to experience a de-evolution. This shrunk their knowledge and as their knowledge began to diminish, so did their magic. Their bodies began to change and the Cyclopean Eye was hidden, giving way to the modern-day pineal gland. We all know that the sunken Atlantis came by the means of a great flood. During this flood, a few members of this once Aryan Race were able to make it to the mountains not only of Tibet but also the Caucasus. Their knowledge was greatly diminished, but what knowledge they did have they turned into a religion that would eventually become recognized as "Hinduism."
Atlantis was lost, but when the flood receded, the Tibetans eventually made their way into ancient India, where they intermingled with people who managed to survivor the deluge. The Aryans from the Caucasus began spreading out in Europe. A variation of Hinduism would have been the predominant religion in Europe had it not been for the rise of Christianity. Europeans began to associate their cultural heritage with that of the Jewish cultural heritage, which quite frankly, just wasn't the same. It's one of the reasons why Hitler hated the Jews so much. He was on a rampage for knowledge and world domination. He embraced the teachings of Madame Blavatsky and all that I've told you. Of course, the church had no problem with him bastardizing the Swastika's image because the would mean that nobody would think of the Swastika as this knowledge-bearing icon. More people would turn to the church for help during the times of war, associating the swastika with the war, and they would et to further their domination of the world.
All the while the church has been suppressing the true knowledge that Adam and Eve lived in the forms of a god and goddess in the Garden of Eden and when they fell from grace, they were put into human bodies, with a chakra system that didn't allow them to access their Cyclopean Eye. They are fallen gods and as their produced offspring who became separated from God, they became less and less powerful because they concerned themselves with their own governance? They lost the gift and Noah's flood wiped them out. Sound familiar? It's all the same story, but it's the Jew's story. It is accepted globally due to the Zionist takeover of the world, but that is for another time.
Look, what we are offering is magic that was so powerful that it was hidden away in the Sphinx by the Egyptians after being introduced to them by the Aryan people. This piece comes to us from Raviniska after she discovered the magic and put some of this magic into a vessel. This magic creates a reversion from your current human state to that of the Aryan race, a.k.a. the ancient Atlanteans. While your body will not change, because this took thousands upon thousands of years to happen, it will fully activate your pineal gland. This will allow you to access your Cyclopean Eye. You will experience an ascendence in spirituality that will allow you to become like a god or goddess. You will be able to use this piece to "see" into your soul. You will be able to use the powers of the soul for the manifestation of your own will. This could include anything really because like God willed our existence into creation, you will be able to will whatever you want into creation. This includes powers, magical abilities, and entities. You will be able to create realities, realms, and planes of existence. You will have access to the history, as recorded in the holographic records of the Atlantean pyramids. In short, there isn't much that you can't do with this piece, because when you are like a God, pretty much everything else pales in comparison. It is extremely, extremely powerful.
This piece you are getting a ring that is made with sterling silver and spiritually charged moonstone.