Asian Love and Wealth- Wealth Now and In the Afterlife
Asian Love and Wealth- Wealth Now and In the Afterlife

Asian Love and Wealth- Wealth Now and In the Afterlife

Regular price $ 38.00
We told you a few weeks ago on one of the Youtube shows that there are pyramids in Asia. They serve as burial mounds for the wealthy. They aren't your normal type of burial mounds, though. They serve as launching pads for the bodies of the wealthy to be resurrected into the afterlife. There's a whole story that goes into it, but I'm not here to discuss that with you today. It's on one of the past Youtube Videos if you want to see it.

What I am here to discuss with you is that these pyramids that people are laid to rest in, there are spells and secret codes written all over the wall of them. There are spells for many things written on the walls. One of these things is wealth. It's not found on all pyramids, but on some. These secret codes contain spells that cast wealth upon a person in death. This is because these people are often times coming back into the mortal realms once they are resurrected. At that point, they will be immortal. They are going to need wealth in order to survive.

Since you are still a living being, if these same spells were to be applied to you, it would grant you extreme wealth during life and would also grant you extreme wealth during death. Death is not something people really like to discuss that much, but it is something that needs to be considered. If you are inevitably going, then shouldn't you be ready for that? What if you need wealth in the afterlife? You don't know what form that wealth is going to have to take or how you are going to gain it. This piece contains the spells that were written on one of the pyramids that were found. With it, you will gain extreme wealth in the mortal realm, as you exist now. It will also begin to build your wealth for the afterlife-- in whatever form that might be.

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