The CHinese ANcient Text database (CHANT for short) is a running project that has been going on since 1988. While it appears to be the works of a very dedicated group of scholars, the truth is that the database was designed and implemented by the Chinese government so that way they could have all of the magic of the ancient Orient at the fingertips should they ever need it. However, I have to say that the facade of scholars wanting to preserved ancient Chinese history was rather clever. Either way, what the Chinese government knows, so does the Red and Green Society. Who are they? They are the Asian version of the Illuminati vying for their shot at secretive global dominance. They have been growing in numb and power ever since China became a major world player. They are mostly Chinese nationalists with a knack for magic. They are very powerful and not to be underestimated.
Anyway, this piece that I am offering you was recovered by Adita after it was created by one of the ministers of magic as the RGS. I'm not sure how Adita was able to get it, but she has her ways. This piece has drawn magic from a secret text that is essentially the Chinese Book of the Dead. I mean, every major culture has had one in some form or another. In this book, there is specific magic that is called Rebirth of Self. This is a very powerul form of magic because it gives the user of this piece the ability to lay to rest the life that they have always known and embark upon something more meaningful-- the life they have always wanted. It doesn't matter what this life entails. It could be fame. It could be a fortune. It could be a meaningful career in politics. Maybe you've always wanted to be a Nobel prize winning doctor? Whatever you desire most out of life, this piece will bring it to you. All you have to do is wear the piece. The magic has been set into this piece already and it is ready to get to work. You must connect to the piece so that way the magic can read your subconscious and grant you everything that you have always longed for in life.