Backwards Masking, Hidden Secrets
Backwards Masking, Hidden Secrets

Backwards Masking, Hidden Secrets

Regular price $ 38.00
From your favorite songs to your favorite shows on television to your favorite movies to speeches by your favorite politicians, the government has long hidden messages by a means of what is called Backward Masking. Backward masking is when there are secret messages hidden in songs, speeches, etc that reveal themselves when an audio clip is played backward. This is not a new thing. They did this in the Middle Ages. Composers would hide hidden messages and secret frequencies in their music that when played backward could give magical enlightenment.

Deedee has an audiomancer friend that we work with on occasion and she has helped us design this piece. Of course, you could go and re-listen to things backward if you want to. However, you could just get this piece that allows you subconscious to pick up on, decipher, and repeat any hidden messages that were given to you audibly. You'd be surprised at what you can pick up on. We were able to use this piece to develop a secret Illuminati formula for immortality. We're still working on developing it for human consciousness and it will be coming to the website soon!

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