Bite the Apple, See the Garden
Okay, so you aren't going to actually bite the apple. That might break your teeth. However, we have set the tone for irony by placing a power that allows you to travel to the Garden of Eden inside an apple shaped pendulum, which is the universally accepted fruit to represent the fruit that was given to Adam by Eve that got them kicked out of the Garden. Either way, this piece does hold an astral travel power that will take you to the Garden of Eden. As such it obviously holds a white light awakening power and a protection power. However, the most impressive part about this piece is that fact that it takes you to the literal Garden of Eden.
While you're in the Garden you will be fixated with plenty to do. There are hundreds if not thousands of angels that you can use to gain their powers. There is the Tree of LIfe that you will be able to "climb" to gain its knowledge. There is a great golden altar with two living, speaking cherubim that will tell you secrets of Heaven and the Book of Names where you will find the recordings of many white light powers.
Again, don't really bite the apple. Wear it. No activation is required.