Blessed by the Hands of Marie Laveau (The Piece I didn't want to get rid of!)
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$ 555.44
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$ 222.44
While we're on the topic of Voodoo, I think that it is time that we let this one go, as well. This is piece that has stayed with me, personally, since my very first trip to New Orleans. It's hard to believe that I have been working alongside Deedee for over ten years now, but I guess when the it's a match, it's a match. I have kept this piece, not because I use it every day of life. Rather, I have kept this piece because it is a memento that was the beginning of an era. It was also the first time in my life that Deedee taught me how to swim. "Just relax your anus!" I have never forgotten that, either. It works wonders. However, now that I have achieved my own transformation, there is no need to hang onto it anymore. It's time that I let it fly.
We created this piece using energies that we stored in a vessel while we were visiting St Louis Cemetery where the Marie Laveau, the New Orleans Voodoo Queen herself, was buried. It's funny, because if you remember any of the stories, you will remember how our coach driver tried to get the horse to turn into the cemetery. Well, it refused to go. Literally refused to go any further than the sidewalk outside of the cemetery. What's more is that the cemetery must be cursed to those who visit, because it was this same day that we got into our carriage accident at Jackson Square. Jason was still with us at this point, as well. It is one of the scariest things that we have encountered together.
Having said all that, Marie Laveau was out in full force that day. We left offerings at her grave and conjure her soul into a vessel that we took back to the Cornstalk Hotel with us that evening. It's funny because I say the cemetery was curse like she is the one who did, but she isn't. In fact, I fully believe that if she hadn't been with us that day, in the vessel into which we conjured her, one or more of us wouldn't have made it out of that carriage accident alive. It's funny the way destiny works, which is why I have always carried this piece with me for protection when I went on investigation prior to my transformation.
Anyhow, later that evening, we sat in the courtyard at the Cornstalk, we held one of the most powerful seances that we have held to date. When you hold a seance in such a old place with such a close proximity to other spirits, it tends to be difficult. We ended up conjuring over 20 souls that night, before we finally got Marie Laveau. Finally, we came face to face with her. She didn't appear to us in spirit form like the rest of them did. When she appeared she was in her original human form, head wrapped in her signature scarf. She appeared very stately and spoke very elegantly to us. She answer all the questions we had about the history of Voodoo, how it came to America from ancient African elemental sorcerers and shamans. She told us that since she has passed on to the next life that she has seen these forces at work first hand. According to her, there is nothing quite as magical in the physical or spiritual world as Voodoo magic and that she has been revered as a goddess in the spiritual realms because of the amount of power that her magic has brought her.
Before she left, Marie Laveau touched this piece with her hand and gave it her blessing. This is proved to be one of the most powerful Voodoo blessings that I have ever encountered. This piece not only gives the person who wears it divine protection, but it gives them the ability to conjure Marie Laveau in human form the same way that we did. It gives them the ability to practice the most powerful Voodoo magic and it allows them to share the knowledge of Voodoo powers that only Marie has. You will be spot on in your magic from here on out. You will grow in power and the your magic will grow in velocity. Your magical ability will increase exponentially as you are touched by the hand of Marie Laveau. You will be able to walk with her on the astral plains and to see the things that she sees. At the end of the day, your Voodoo powers will go unchallenged. After all, they will be given to you directly by a Voodoo goddess-- Marie Laveau.
This piece was given to me as a gift, but now we are offering it to you. It is worth every penny. I can vouch for it. I have used it hundreds of times!