Blood Angel

Blood Angel

Regular price $ 277.00






Layaways are now available. You will need to put 20% down. You need to pay at least monthly. You have six months to pay it off. You need to email to set up your layaway with a link for what you want. Your item will not be removed until you put your 20% down. There are NO REFUNDS on layaways. Know this BEFORE putting it on! If for some reason you cannot finish paying your layaway, whatever you have paid toward your layaway will be converted to store credit.


All $38.00 pieces from all websites are items that can be replaced. If you are seeing an item, but it is out of stock you can simply email and request a duplicate. Likewise, you may not always be receiving what the picture shows. The piece will always hold the exact same powers, though, so you don't have to worry about that. If emailing for a replacement piece, please be sure to specify what type of jewelry you like and we will try our best to get you that. Again, when you purchase a $38.00 item, you may not always get what you see pictured, but it will always hold the same power. These are Carnival of Caveness, $38.00 items.


This piece is a sterling silver cross pendant with real stones


If you are in search of an ultra white light piece of magic, then this is the piece for you. This piece was procured from the Vatican secret archive and was used by the Black Pope himself. Yes, that's the Jesuit Antipope who is in cahoots with Satan to usher in the end times.


You might be wondering why the Black Pope would be using a piece that is pure white light. The simple answer is that he knew how powerful this piece was. He knew how rare the entity that this piece calls forth is. He knew that using this piece he could grant himself pretty much anything that he wanted.  


The type of entity in the piece holds is called a Blood Angel and there are only about a dozen of them in existence. When using this piece just know that this angelic being dons the powers of normal white light angelic beings-- healing, casting white spells, bringing you white light powers and abilities, protecting you, etc


Above and beyond that, this angel will bring you the power of Christ's bloodline, which has been set within it, or the purpose of preserving it. It will grant you white light miracles, it will grant you the knowledge of the Christ Consciousness which will reveal the true nature of God and his magic. Also, it holds the secrets of Enochian, allowing you to communicate with countless types of angels.   


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