Bruce Springsteen and HIS magic
Bruce Springsteen and HIS magic
Bruce Springsteen and HIS magic
Bruce Springsteen and HIS magic

Bruce Springsteen and HIS magic

Regular price $ 2,000.00


This peice belonged and was worn by Bruce Sprinsteen. I know him and yes some of you are going to say no way! We know he is a Democrat so no way did you know him. Wrong! I used to go to parties with him in New Jersey and even sat right next to him on a couch and drank a beer with him. Yes, I do hate beer but it was the only thing there. I have been to more then a few parties with him and it was when he was with his first wife or about to marry her, I forget. Bruce was a friend of my friends and I was always at the house which is how I met him. They would hold the biggest parties in Seaside Heights NJ. While I don't agree with his politics he is a very cool and laid back guy. We never discussed politics except the high taxes in NJ for property. He is actually just as he is in person as he is on stage,just laid back. He was into magic and this ring is part of that. I did have three pieces from him but this is the only one I have left. I swear more times there are offline sales then on! This is why I tell you all to email me to remind me. If things are bought on the website I can look and see what needs to be shipped. When it is off the site I can forget with al I have going on.

So this ring I had two of but this is the one from Bruce Springsteen. This was magically induced for fame by himself, true love and magical  wealth. When I got this, looking back it all makes sense. At the time he was with his first wife but not happy and he was leaving his band. I would have to say this works for him just as he said it did!

You would buy this ring in sterking silver if you are seeking fame, and true love. That is what it was made for. I did ask who cast the magic for the piece and was told to hit the Black light alley in Wildwood.  As far as how to use it you would wear it on a chain or your finger. 




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