Calling All Angels
Calling All Angels
Calling All Angels

Calling All Angels

Regular price $ 38.00
Okay, so this piece doesn't really open a charka.  However, it does allow you to communicate with angels.  In fact, it gives you a white light awakening that will allow you to see the angels that exist on Earth.  There are tons of them here.  They exist in ultraviolet and other colors that aren't able to be seen by the naked human eye.  This piece gives you an energy that comes from the Garden of Eden.  We actually found the energy and handmade this piece while we were on an astral journey.  When you wear the piece, this energy allows you to not only see but also hear angels.  You will able to use the piece to receive communication from the angels, including white light powers and abilities.  It will also allow you to call out angels by name and have them appear before you in their angelic form to acquire their powers or whatever or for whatever other reasons you desire to call them forth.

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