Create Your Own Tulpa
Create Your Own Tulpa

Create Your Own Tulpa

Regular price $ 38.00
This piece holds an ancient Tibetan Sprul-Pa magic. This magic has been adopted by 20th-century western esotericism and renamed tulpa, which is a bastardization of the Scrul-pa meaning, which means emanation. However, Tulpa is easier to type, so that is what we are going to be calling the powers in the item. A tulpa is an emanation of the mind, usually in the form of some sort of entity. This entity is literally brought to life with the powers of the subconscious mind. You wouldn't usually need a magic-infused piece to be able to create a tulpa, but here is the thing. In order for your emanation to be born, you must believe in your hearts, 100% that whatever entity that you are focusing on or concentrating on will be brought to life from your thoughts. To most people, the ability to commit 1005 of their energy to the belief that whatever they think in their mind is going to come to fruition. It is very strenuous to be able to accomplish and really the only people who have able to accomplish this are the ancient Tibetan monks who remained in silent reflection all day in order to create their emanations. Most human minds just aren't capable of the strain required to do so. So, we created this piece. This piece holds the energies that will enable you to birth your own tulpa without having to strain the brain.

So what is a tulpa exactly? A tulpa is any kind of entity that is manifested into reality through thought. If could be a djinn. I could be a vampire. It could be a leprechaun. That's the beauty of it all, there are no set rules defining what your tulpa can and will become. This piece isn't a once and done, either. This piece will allow you to create as many tulpas as you desire, each with their own identity and whatever power you set into them at birth.

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