Creation Hall and the Perfect Number
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$ 777.77
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We are offering this piece as a big "we told you so" to the scientific community. Listen, we aren't saying that they are bad people. A lot of the amenities that we enjoy in life today are thanks to the scientific community. However, we will go as far as to say that if they would just stop needing tangible proof for everything, they could figure out a lot more with spiritual enlightenment than they ever could by trying to prove everything scientifically. For instance, we have been insisting that the Earth, the Universe, and everything that you see has been built using sacred geometry and sacred numerology. New scientific studies suggest that geometry and numerology are at the base of all subatomic interactions. Sadly, we are only catching up to what the ancients already knew There is power in numbers and I don't just mean that as a reference to mob rule or some other group tactic.
There are literal powers in numbers-- and shapes-- and how they live with others and they interact with each other. Geometry is the basic building block or human existence and not just any geometry. It is a geometry that has a certain number to it. The number isn't anything that you are going to guess. It is not 3, it is not 7. It isn't 12, or 42, or any of the other numbers that you hear thrown around on a regular basis that people insist have something to do with something. I mean, some of them do, but it is only because that particular number has a reaction with the base number that life has been built around. The number I'm talking about is six.
We only know for a fact that sacred geometry and numerology revolve around six because we have been to a secret government confines that have been working that number. If you think about it, six would be the number. It is the number of days in which God created the Earth. ON the 7th day he rested. It is the number of divine knowledge, which is manifested as the knowledge of the Beast in the number 666, which means almost perfect, but not quite God. The number six live everywhere. SOme of the examples of the number six might not come as naturally and obviously as other examples, but the number six is alive and well in the universe. That is because the number 6 is the lowest Perfect Number. This means the sum of all the divisors can be added up to equal the number.
In secret confines, called Creation Hall, in a top-secret location, the governments of the world have been secretly experimenting with the number six after discovering that the number is the basis upon which all other forms are built and how all patterns are built together to create what we know as the universe. To distort these patterns and the numbers that go along with them would be to distort reality. It's part magic, it's part quantum physics, but it's extremely powerful.
With the ability to control quantum physics comes the ability to travel anywhere along the space-time continuum that you please. It means that you can alter reality however you'd like. You can build your own alternate realities, change the course of your own or another person's destiny. It also means the ability to recreate powers that have already been dreamt up--white light powers and dark light power. These powers will rival those powers that are already in existence because they go back to the root of it all, which is the number 6 and sacred geometry of existence. It allows the human to break free of the mortal bounds, to see the world as it really exists and not simply behind the blindfold that has been created for us, to see the powers that exist and to see the entities that are cohabitating the Earth with us. It is a mind-bending experienced and of course, there are powers to be experienced all along the way.
This piece is one that we found on our investigation into the Creation Hall. This piece gives you a sort of "Xray Vision". That is the best way I can describe it. It allows you to see the basic sacred geometry and numerology of any person, place, or thing. This way you can dissect what is living and non-living apart to be able to see powers exist where. You will be able to obtain these powers, but you will also be able to use the knowledge you will gain of the number 6 and how it interacts with every other possible number and geometric pattern. This will give you the ability to create your own powers, energies, abilities, and magic. It will allow you to create your own matter and entities. This is not a power to be taken lightly. It is literally giving you the powers that God has and allowing you to understand them and use them the same way he does.