First of all you can't go by the pictures of this highly wealth giving piece. I have someone taking pictures for me right now because I have to get everything ready for Florida. They needed some work and so this is all I could give them. The images really suck but trust me this piece is BEAUTIFUL! The one thing you all know about me is if something is ugly or cheap I will tell you, this is not. Now with that out of the way here is what it does.
This is a supernatural piece that is also spirited. This has a spirit that hangs around it and her name is Breena. Breena is not always with the piece and she does give you privacy. She died very young, 32 and she was a highly intelligent caster. She could cast anything but she used magical alchemy when doing wealth pieces and that is what this is.
Wearing this piece gives you the magical ability to create the wealth you want and gives you luck like you have never seen. Everything you touch becomes either lucky or wealth for you.