Cupid's Piece and the Love Witch, Youtube

Cupid's Piece and the Love Witch, Youtube

Regular price $ 72.22
This piece was designed and worn by a Love Witch and designed this piece specifically for help with love and relationships.  The story of this piece is written out on the piece itself when you look at the drawings on the piece.  To begin with, this piece is a vintage piece which represents the fact that you are gaining a very old fashion, unbreakable love bond.  The fern represents growth in love.  The wheat represents abundance in all things including love.  There is also a love dove that flies above cupid who shoots the arrows of love.  This piece will help you whether you are in a relationship already or if you are seeking out a relationship.  It also helps if you have somebody in mind.  If you are single and looking for love it will bring the perfect love to you.  If there is somebody you want to be with, this piece will help them realize that you are their perfect match.  Finally, if you are already in a relationship, this piece will solidify your bond with that person and help your relationship bud and blossom.  It is the ultimate love piece.  See the full story on Youtube:

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