Dark Side of the Moon
Dark Side of the Moon

Dark Side of the Moon

Regular price $ 38.00
The metal wrapping on this piece serves as a conduit that will spark the ignition of this magic.  All it is missing is human energy.  When you wear this piece you will give it the human energy that it needs in order to come to full fruition.  Inside of this piece lies a power that we call the Dark Side of the Moon.  The Dark Side of the Moon isn't necessarily a power that is inherently evil, rather it is all the knowledge that has been forbidden throughout the years.  It has been recorded in an lengthy grimoire that is affectionately referred to as the Forbidden Book.  With this piece, it shows up to you in the form of a holographic hall through which you can stroll in your astral form.  You will be able to behold and read all of the sacred texts, scrolls, tablets and other recordings of ancient magic that has been banned from existence.  The magic that you will find there is unlike anything you will find anywhere else. It has been sought after by magicians, sorcerers, witches, and Satanists alike.  It holds magic either so bizarre or so powerful that it was locked away from human eyes-- until now.  Not only does this piece allow you to behold these ancient forms of magic, but it will allow you to manifest them into reality.  Just because they have been banned by natural selections doesn't mean they can't be brought back to life.   I can't really tell you what this magic is.  It is something that you are going to have to see for yourself.  Just know that if you choose not to, you are losing out an experience you will probably never get to have again.  Why is this piece so cheap?  We believe that it is somebody's destiny to receive this piece and that by purchasing you are fulfilling this destiny.

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