Daughter of Iniquity
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From January 1st, 2019 until February 15th, 2019 there will be no shipping. We are moving to a bigger office. If you have stuff on the books now it will be shipped! If you order again and have an existing order on the books Lindy will combine it into one package, possibly. If you are ordering now it will be saved for you and will be shipped when I’m back. I have the underground auction, investigations, and customers to see. During that time Lindy will be moving offices. You are free to purchase but it will not be shipped until starting the 15th of February. Under no circumstance will anything be shipped in that time. If you can’t wait, don’t buy. I repeat for those who will ask me to explain this if you can’t wait don’t buy! As I get unique items I will show them through email and ship them from where I’m at. Thank you for your understanding.
I guess you could say that this one is dual in nature, but it is nothing that is too dark. It is dual in nature only because of the spirit that inhabits this piece. I'm sure by now that you've all heard of Lilith in your lifetime. If you haven't, the short version goes as follows. In the VERY beginning, God created Adam and Lilith, not Adam and Eve. They were created equal. They were to tend the Garden of Eden as equal counterparts. Well, Adam got all bossy and Lilith wasn't having any that. She hightailed it out of that Garden the first chance that she got. When Adam reported to God what had happened this is when God made Eve out of Adam's rib, so she would be subservient. You see how well that went, right? I guess it's safe to say, don't try to boss women around, because they're going to get you back one way or another. You go, girl!
Meanwhile, Lilith became the Daughter of Iniquity-- the prodigal daughter who chose never to return. She was okay with it, too. On the outside, she is able to do whatever it is she wants. You can think of her as a type of demoness, but she isn't really a demon, because she wasn't created by Satan. On the contrary, she more or less a human immortal who has gone wrong. Everything she was expected to do as a "good wife", she spites, so she surely doesn't like being bossed around by men and that includes supernatural ones. Even Lucifer himself has had his hands full. Which brings me to my next point-- the time that Lilith wore the crown of Satan. I don't know how or why this happened, but it did. And when she placed that crown upon her head she was immediately given the knowledge that Satan has always had. So, God and Lucifer aren't cool anymore, but there was a time that they were. It was during this time that he was taught everything that God knows. He has never forgotten it and he will never stop trying to replicate that. However, he will only come close to being the perfect 7 that God represents, hence the 666.
So, you can imagine he was pretty much in an uproar when he found out Lilith had beguiled him. Oh well. He beguiles people all the time, so I guess it's time for a dose of his own medicine. Lilith has made this piece to spite him, just because she could. That's literally the story behind it. She hates him so she did what she could to make him even more miserable by hijacking his secrets and duplicating them for others whether they have been other entities or humans. This is how we got this piece. Raviniska was actually able to secure it for us a while ago, we just haven't gotten around to putting on until now. The way you use this piece is interesting. If you're into girls, I'm sure you'll be happy about this piece and that is because the only way she can transfer this knowledge to you is for a.) you to be wearing this piece and b.) for her to manifest herself to you and engage in some of the most raunchy, tantalizing, toe-curling sex you've ever experienced in your life. Through the sexual union between the two of you, she is going to take you to the astral realm, where she will show you all of Satan's knowledge. This knowledge is not dark nor light, because knowledge isn't dark or light. It is just knowledge. It is the knowledge of the universe. It is the knowledge of creation. It is the knowledge of all things. It is the knowledge of all magic. It is the knowledge of the Apocalypse and of all things that will come to pass as written the Bible. It shows you an unaffiliated, unbiased version of what happened in Heaven when Satan tried to take it over. It gives you the power to conjure angels. This piece is just very powerful and it brings you very many things that you will surely excel in!
This piece is costume jewelry but the powers are out of this world! It's also a very beautiful piece and extremely unique looking. You can also transfer the powers in this piece to any piece that you want using a charging box.