Honestly this is the second time I'm typing this up because I lost it all the first time. Every time I type something up that rids demons or influence this happens. That usually means someone who is going to read this needs this! So here we go yet again! You all know how I hate to to type too!
So this is a service for those who come near other under the influence in which it can alter your life. Examples, evil co-workers, family who are toxic or just a relationship where you know something is just not right. These are just a few examples. There are many of them out there and we all have to deal with them but what if one has attached itself to you or wants to?
I just did one of these three weeks ago. This guy was with a woman who was so nice! Well he thought so at first but in realit she was totally possessed to the max and that attached itself to him. This inmtentionally messed with his business and family relationships. She took a hold of him hard and in her history she had three dead boyfriends, past boyfriends. I'm not making this up. In fact the guy went off grid to get away from all the influence he was dealing with. I did take care of it but it was a nightmare. There things can come in any form but with his it was a relationship.
What we do first is work to remove what is casuing it and in doing that any type of magic we need to use we will. We won't discuss that with you unless it is a family member. Once that is taken care of we build a wall of the purest light around you along with a warrior angel created for your life. These will always stay in place unless you want them removed. Nothing will breach that wall!