Dr. John's Voodoo Pendulum
For those of you who aren't heavy into Voodoo like we are, allow me to introduce you to Dr. John Montanee. He is the Father of New Orleans Voodoo and the teacher of the Voodoo Queen Marie Laveau. He was a very powerful Gris Gris and left behind him a secret Grimoire. The grimoire was moreover a memoir of the doctor's life and gives the reader the ability to conjure Dr. John in his state of spiritual ascendence to grant them guidance in their Voodoo endeavors.
I cannot tell you how, but we have managed to come across Dr. John's grimoire. We have been working with this piece for some time and have been able to uncover the secret conjuration sequence of Dr. John. We have summoned him into this piece and he is at your full disposal. The piece in question is a voodoo pendulum, inhabited by the spiritual energies of Dr. John. You can ask the pendulum whatever questions you want to ask and it will give you an accurate answer. You can use it when seeking advice in your own life or just simply for the purpose of knowing answers to the questions that you have.
You can also use this piece to cast any Voodoo spells you wish to cast. You will simply place a drop of your own blood in each of the skulls eye cavities. You will then hold this piece like you would hold a pendulum. You will state the spell that you intend to cast out loud. Allow the drop of blood to dry completely for three days. Then clean the blood off on the third day. This is when your spell is going to be cast. Once you clean the blood off, you can restart the casting process. Your voodoo spells will be cast every time with 100% accuracy.
You must attach a string or a chain to this piece before using it as a pendulum.