Extraterrestrial Self-Guidance Crystal

Extraterrestrial Self-Guidance Crystal

Regular price $ 38.00
This piece is called a self-guidance mechanism. The crystal that is used to make this piece is not from Earth but has been harvested from somewhere else in the solar system. Where exactly, I could not tell you. The crystal itself was secured from the Pentagon and it appears that the government has been stockpiling them since the Eisenhower days. We all know how crazy Ike was about his aliens. He loved them. He was obsessed with them. Apparently, he traded the aliens about 400 human lives to get this collection of crystals, but they are very powerful so for him maybe it was worth the trade? I don't know, he was always a little weird if you ask me.

Either way, this is a self-guidance crystal. When you hold this crystal in your hand it will create a metaphysical reverberation throughout your entire mortal being. You may or may not feel it. If you don't, that's fine. Don't be alarmed. The piece is still working. You will tell the crystal what it is you want out of life and the crystal will hear you because it has created that psychic bond to your mind. It will then guide you and point you in the right direction to where you want to be in your life. You will actually have to take the steps to get there, but this piece will guide you every step of the way through subconscious vibrations that will allow you to know exactly what your next step is supposed to be. This piece might not be for everyone, because it actually requires a little bit of effort to get up and do something. I've learned that, in life, not a lot of people are on board with that. However, if you use this piece and let it guide you, you will not be disappointed!

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