Faeriemancer Ring

Faeriemancer Ring

Regular price $ 38.00
This piece was not hard to make, which is why it is going on Carnival despite the fact that it can actually do a lot for you.  We call this piece the faeriemancer ring.  Rather than summon a certain type of fairy for you, we thought we'd broaden the spectrum and leave it up to you what kind of fairy you summon.  So, we put an all-inclusive fairy summoning magic into this piece.  Doesn't matter whether you want a white light fairy or a dark fairy.  Doesn't matter if you a summoning a wealth fairy, or if you need one for healing.  In fact, you can use this piece to summon them all.  You can also use it over and over again.  When you're done with the fairy, simply turn it loose. There is no recharging and no downtime.  You can keep summoning fairies to your heart's delight.  That's why we call this piece the Faeriemance Ring.  Happy summoning!

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