Fill the Hole in Your Heart
If you are like many people you have fallen in love with somebody who didn't love you back. Maybe they did love you back, but they just weren't ready for the type of commitment or relationship that you were ready for. You try to wait around for them, but they give you no inkling of ever wanting to be in a serious relationship. You try to move on, but you can't because you just keep comparing everything that everyone else does to the things that they do. It happens, but you don't have to suffer. This piece holds a love spell that will help you mend that hole in your heart. This piece can work in one of two ways. The first way this piece can work is to cast a love spell upon that other person and make them fall in love with you and stay committed and faithful to you and you alone. The second way this piece can work is to cast a spell upon yourself that will make you forget your feelings for them altogether. Love is a very powerful emotion, so it may take longer for the second way to work, but if you are just tired and you feel like you've taken enough crap, this is a viable option. Just make sure that if you are choosing the first option, you don't wait around, because you never know what could happen. Either way you decide to use this piece, the hole in your heart will be closed and you will be able to be 100% happy again.