First Generation God Djinn
There are very few examples of people that were able to look upon the Face of God as a human. This is because the Face of God holds so much perplexity and knowledge that it will literally cause a human to turn to dust. This is about the only example where I can say too much knowledge is not necessarily a good thing. However, there are humans that have existed on Earth that were so imbued with the powers of God that they have had the unique experience of being able to look upon the Face of God. One of these people was John the Apostle who wrote the Book of Revelations and other books of the Bible. He tries to explain what it's like to look upon the ace of God but falls short of explaining it properly. Jesus in his human form was able to look upon the Face of God, but that's because he was born of God. Elijah, who was taken up into Heaven in human form may or may not have been able to look upon God's face. Then, there is Daniel. Daniel is the one who is most popularly remembered for the miracle that God performed for him when was sentenced to be thrown into the Lion's Den. He kept the mouths of the lions closed and allowed Daniel to escape unscathed. However, this only happened to him after he became an Octagenarian. He had lived a full life of splendor prior to that, including being an anointed one of God.
During his life, Daniel was given many gifts by God. These gifts were very coveted gifts that many of his colleagues were jealous of. These powers are what ended up getting Daniel thrown into the Lion's Den where the ultimate miracle was granted to him. However, prior to this Daniel enjoyed a great amount of white light magic that was granted to him by God. For instance, he was touched by God with white light visions and dreams of the future, so much so that he has gone down in history as one of the great prophets in the Bible of all times. He is the guy that was given the visions of the ram and the goat, the famed statue, and the Four Beasts. Daniel was given the ability to summon angels and he was able to summon the Archangel of the Lord. This is the same angel that appeared to Mary before she gave birth to Jesus. There was also another entity that appeared to Daniel that was never written about in the Old or New Testament. It was left out on purpose and here is why. The words of the Bible have all been written in accordance with sacred numerology, where each letter equals a number and those numbers can be used to create sequences that unlock magic. Then there is the linguistics of the words themselves that can be said in order to achieve desired effects. It was decided that it would probably against the best interest of humanity for the information regarding Daniel's Secret Beast. This is only because of the power that it has can alter the course of destiny. That's why when you get this piece, you must always keep n mind that with great power comes great responsibility.
The secret entity that visited Daniel was written about in a secret "diary" that Daniel kept, which was actually a scroll. It was recently unearthed as part of the most recently discovered sections of the Dead Sea Caves. Of course, you know that we had a hand in that, so were there when the scroll was found and we confiscated it. As far as history is concerned the scroll was never found because we made sure that nobody else was around when we took it. This scroll, written by Daniel, tells all about his experiences with an entity known as First Generation God Djinn. This Djinn was sent to him while he was exiled in Babylon. It was at that point that Daniel underwent some kind of identity crisis and started worshipping idols. It was at that low point in his life that God sent the djinn to him. The djinn took ahold of Daniel's hand and led him into Heaven to stand in front of God's throne. In front of God's throne, Daniel was able to look upon the Face the God. He was able to see Jesus before he even left Heaven to come to Earth. He was able to see the Holy Spirit who holds the magic of God. He saw the choirs of angels that surrounded God and also hold his white light magic. It was at this point that Daniel was anointed by God and was given the Holy Knowledge of looking upon God's Face.
This knowledge is far beyond any knowledge that most people will ever experience. The scrolls attempted to put the vision into words, but just like John, Daniel failed. This is because the knowledge that his hidden in God's eyes is the knowledge of all things, but overall, it is the knowledge and truth of creation and magic. It is a special kind of knowledge that allows the person who is looking into them to know what is called the Divine Purpose. Anybody who looks upon God's face and can see into His eyes will know what he is. We offer a lot of pieces that offer God's wisdom in some way, shape, or fashion. The secrets in the scroll that we got gave us specific instruction on how to conjure the presence of one of the First Generation God Djinn. These are the Djinn that sits at the foot of God's throne. They are his holy consorts and they know all that he knows because they were made to be smaller versions of himself that he could manifest into the world if need be. We were able to make a piece that will allow you to experience the presence of the First Generation God Djinn. When you wear this piece it will come to you and take your hand, just as it did with Daniel. You will stand in front of the Throne of God, becoming one of His anointed ones. This will allow you the very, very rare and exclusive ability to look into his Eyes.
This piece allows you to see into God's eyes, not through His eyes. You get to know God for God. You will see his origins. You will know his existence. This is God and all of His knowledge and power in the raw form before He was even an entity. He says he is the Alpha and the Omega, but just like Hathor, God was just energies and magic before he manifested himself into a being that held all of the knowledge and magic of the Universe. He was part of the universe and the universe was a part of Him. With this piece, you will know all of that knowledge. You will be able o see and experience everything that God has seen and experienced from His creation of the world and our solar system, to the Great Rebellion with Satan, to the creations and spiritual birth of Christ before he was sent to be born as a human, to the staff that He created and gave to Moses and Aaron. You will gain all of the knowledge that God has to offer, as well as all the various forms of magic that He has seen in his existence. You will be able to use this piece to create that magic once you return to Earth. The magic is unparalleled, but more important is the ability that this piece brings you to know God and to know the Divine Purpose. It is not a type of magic that we have ever offered before and it most likely is one that we will offer again. I mean, I don't know how we would, this is a once-in-existence opportunity.
After you have used this piece to travel to Heaven, the White Light God Djinn that is set into this piece will become your personal servant. It will help you and allow you to embrace the knowledge and the magic you have seen and to create your own powers from it. Remember, this First Generation White Light Djinn is created as miniature God duplicate, so anything that you want to create or want to know, he is the one that is going to be able to help you manifest it. It is a lot to take on when you first use this piece, so your djinn will help you to comprehend it all and to use the information to your advantage through the development of magic and powers that you want and need. It is one of the most powerful beings that I have ever encountered.
The piece that we have elected to use in the creation process is a solid sterling antique ring that features beautiful, genuine gemstones.