Flowers of Eden
This piece contains the energetic properties of the flowers that grow in the Garden of Eden. We made this piece by doing an energy transference ritual during one of our astral travels to the Garden. The flowers of the Garden contain unlimited spiritual healing capabilities. This means that they will clear all mental blocks that are not allowing you to do magic properly. They will cleanse your aura, taking it back to the color that it's supposed to be-- an astounding ultra-violet color. This piece will give you spiritual healing as well, in regards to anything that you may be carrying around with you as mental or emotional baggage. It will help you heal from these things, because believe it or not, this will keep you from your full magical potential.
Adam and Eve used these flowers to heal themselves while they were in the Garden. Unfortunately, we all know how that turned out. My point is, these healing powers are very powerful because they were designed by the Hand of God to do such.