Frau and the Black Hand

Frau and the Black Hand

Regular price $ 5,000.00 Sale price $ 1,700.00
In the 1900s a group of anti-imperialist political revolutionaries was began in Serbia.  It was an offshoot of the group Narodna Adbrona.  Their collective goal was to unite all the Slavic people of Europe under one country.  A prescribed requirement of this movement was the separation of Serbia from the monarchy of Austria-Hungary.  The country has been annexed by Austria-Hungary some years ago.  They went by the name the Black Hand.  
The Black Hand began distributing anti-Austrian propaganda, training assassins and saboteurs, inciting riots, and just becoming an altogether nuisance in the political business of Austria-Hungary.  They pretty much shook them off like fleas and when their little unification plan didn't go as planned, they knew that it was time to call in a little assistance.  By assistance I mean that they visited a very powerful German, who has only ever publicly gone by the name Frau.  For a price and a human sacrifice, Frau was able to make them a very powerful piece that could easily alter the courses of destiny.  She gave them a very solemn warning with the magic that they must make sure they are in full control of their magic at all times.  Changing destiny is one thing, but dealing with the aftermath could tend to be an entirely different ball game.  
Using this piece, the Black Hand changed the course of destiny forever.  Using their new found power they created a scenario where a low-level initiate of their group would assassinate the Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand.  The job was poorly executed, but caused Austria-Hungary to declare war on Serbia, the cause the allies of each country to fall into place.  It ignited a little war you might have heard of?  World War I.  The aftermath of WWI led to WWII.  This led to wars such as the Korean and Vietnam wars, as well as the Cold War between the United States and the USSR.  One little change of destiny sparked one of the largest events in the 20th Century, which ignited a domino effect of world events that-- honestly-- even effects the United States to this very day.  Russia and the US still don't see eye to eye.  Serbians have been persecuted and driven from their own lands for years.  
As for Frau, she's still alive, living in the forests of Germany.  She was visited by the Nazi armies, more specifically Adolf Hitler himself during the ravages of WWII.  He begged her for magic like the one that she had provided to the Black Hand, but she refused his request.  She stated only, "What has been done has been done."  He threatened to have her killed one times and she inflicted such a hurting on him, with the mere wave of a hand, that he dared never to return.  Frau is very powerful and the magic she dispenses is very powerful.  She didn't really thing that the world was going to end up that way, because she put her trust in the Black Hand.  It was the last time she ever trusted a mortal to do anything.  
Meanwhile, the destiny powers that she gave to the Black Hand are still floating around-- or were.  The powers were transferred from vessel to vessel, as a way for the Black Hand to preserve the magic without people catching on.  In fact, this power has changed vessels many times, but still remains just as strong.  Fast forward to 2018 and guess who has the vessel that currently houses this destiny changing magic?  Yes, you got.  Yours truly.  
This is very, very powerful magic.  You can use it to alter and change your own destiny, the destiny of others, and clearly the destiny of humanity.  I've thought about using it myself, but changing the course of human history simply isn't something I fancy.  So, we have made this piece available for our customers.  Do not fall into the same trap as the Black Hand.  Make sure that as you change your destiny, you ask the spirits that are attached to this piece to guide you in making the right decisions.  You can ask them to change to the course of destiny for whatever purposes meet your needs, just keep in mind, in the words of the German witch Frau, "What's done is done."  Allow the spirits to guide you in your quest for whatever it is you desire-- wealth, love, children, a new career, magical superiority, whatever.  Just know that this piece will work and that there will be recourse for every action.  
This is 10k gold with a small diamond in the center.

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