I guess you could kind of say that this piece is part Egyptian, part Alien Technology, part Celestial magic, etc. This piece has visited the star chambers in the Great Pyramids of Giza. It has basked in the power of the Orion Belt and now brings about a special cosmic power. This power comes through an understanding of cosmic energies that will allow you to know all of the powers of Orion Belt and why the pyramids mimic their location in outer space.
This brings you the powers of the three stars who are called the three wise men, which open up the third eye and allow for a connection to the cosmic life web, which is the map of all of existence and how it fits together as one. This piece will bring the powers of many realities and planes of existence, but you must first have the understanding of the Orion Three Wise Men in order to do the traveling. The powers in this piece will suck your soul from its mortal existence and allow you to exist in astral space and along the Milky Way. This piece also holds a power that will keep you safe on your travels.