GEODES ON EBAY, ALL COLORS SHOWN HERE,Alpha Monocerotidsare Meteor Shower Power
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Alpha Monocerotidsare Meteor Shower Power
Tonight 11/21/2019 we prepare to harness power directly from one of the most incredible meteor showers our planet has seen in a while. It’s been nearly twenty-five years since this particular meteor shower has proven spectacular. This time we plan to harvest the power that comes from the Constellation Monoceros. This is known as the unicorn constellation and it is magical indeed.
Update 11/22/2019
We started out by finding a remote spot on a local beach to create a magnifying locale to harness the power of the shower itself. We weren’t sure what to expect other than knowing that events like these always carry natural raw power along with them.
We set empty crystals all along the beach line to capture any raw power floating around and brought quite a few random pieces of jewelry with us that we could use as vessels. First, there were a lot of magical beings out there last night. We saw entire covens of witches, several unknown magical beings and a handful of vampires.
We spoke to a young couple who turned out to both be vampires who had witnessed the last time this particular shower was amazing. They watched back in 1985 after their wedding in France.
Another vampire told us he was on the Jenniskens research team back in 1994. He won’t be named but was happy to come out and see it again. He had high hopes it would be as incredible this year as the first year he saw it in 1995. He told us he was over one hundred years old when his friend introduced him to ‘the beauty of the night sky’ as he put it. He later joined Jennisken to research it further.
As amazing as the vampires we met were the witches coven that spoke to us was even more incredible. Their coven is named after the constellation that was raining the meteors down around us. Their coven is fairly young, only about fifty years but founded their powers during one of the showers from this constellation several decades ago. They celebrate their coven whenever our planet passes through a meteor shower from this constellation with gifts and food on the beach. They call themselves the Uniceros Coven.
Anyway, getting back to what we were doing out there. So after setting up our crystals and chatting with the supernatural community we had no idea would be out there, we got ready to harvest as much power AS POSSIBLE. We brought several friends with the powers to accompany and help us. We sat in a circle hand in hand and readied ourselves mentally for something none of us had attempted before. The surge of power once the meteor shower started was pretty incredible. All of our crystals started glowing brightly around us and we were almost scared they would shatter from the power filling them.
The stars glowed brightly above us as we worked to fill the amazing pieces we brought with us with cosmic power from across the stars. That’s when something really amazing happened. The stars started falling on us. At first little bits of glowing light landed on us, then larger pieces on the sand radiating light. We were curious since this is not a normal phenomenon for any meteor shower! Then huge ones started to float down around us. One landed directly in the center of our circle and spoke!
At first, it was faint and sounded somewhat like little chimes, then the glowing light took on a more human-like form, smaller but shaped like a small person. A small woman particularly, like maybe 4’10 in height with a slim build. She told us she was from the stars, a ‘star-child’ is what she called herself. Although by the sound of her voice she was certainly not a child. She told us that whenever our earth is showered by her constellation many star children come to earth to procreate with humans.
As the glow slowly faded from her body it revealed she was as shimmery as when she was a star. Glowing skin, silvery blonde hair and bright blue eyes met us with joy in them. She told us about living in stars and how her society is all women and how they come to earth to have children. They have children with earth men and live the rest of their lives on earth until they die and are reborn into the star system. They are in their own way immortal. When their children die they are reborn in the stars just as their mother was before them. I asked her why no one knows about this. She told us because typical mortals cannot see them falling or transforming into human form nobody ever knows.
Another glowing orb in the distance took shape of a woman and came towards us to greet her friend. The star woman in front of us hugged her friend and introduced her as her mother! The new woman was as young as the first but somehow she was her mother. Anya and her mother Lesnia laughed at our innocent curiosity but indulged our questions with answers. They do not lose their memories with death, and they return to earth over and over again.
Anya was excited it was her first time returning to earth and as for Lesnia, she had been to earth nearly 9 times since her first birth in the 1500s. She has 25 daughters and was proud to return again with Anya for her first time. She said it's uncommon to be sent home at the same time as a child is ready to leave for the first time. Most mothers miss that opportunity because they are normally in their next life at that time. An unfortunate accident brought her home early enough to see Anya come back to earth for her first return.
Somehow after all the years and deaths and rebirths their spirits seemed so young, not weathered at all by who knows how many tragedies they had suffered. My last question was for Lesnia, I asked how she could be so happy, so youthful in spirit with what sounded like 9 lives of dying and watching men she loved die? She smiled at me before responding with pure joy, “ It is in our nature to see only the bright side of things, as horrible as living and dying over and over sounds to you, this is our life, this is what we are designed for, we love everything about it. I’ll admit, the first man I loved was the hardest to lose. I was only twenty-three and it was 1565, I loved him so much, we already had two daughters and the thought of him dying, me going on without him was almost too much to bear. Many wonderful years passed, so much happiness in our love for each other that I realized I had given him the happiest life a human could probably have had. Star Children love like no others, they make the ones around them feel real happiness and warmth. I made him happy and when he died he went with that happiness inside of him. It was worth it.” I was astounded by her answer, they seem to shine a light on their pain and feel the youthful joy of a child no matter what is happening.
We spoke for an hour or so before they hinted at the fact they had to go, but before Anya left she picked up one of the smaller specks of star that lay all over the beach and handed to me. She spoke softly, “ This is what we call a seedling, these attach to human women's souls, they change them, make them happier and someday when those women die they become like us. A Star Child.” Anya and Lesnia left us with that. Somehow these little specks changed the Dna of a woman to become a Star Child. How interesting.
We had so much to take in, and as amazing as the falling stars were supposed to be, we barely noticed that the predictions fell flat. We found something more magical than we thought. We gathered up the little seedlings and handled them with care. They were alive it seemed.
We left last night with new knowledge. A new species of immortals, living stars walking among us and the gift that the tiny seedlings could give people.
The last thing we have is the crystals we charged from the loose power of the meteor shower itself. We have an assortment of colors and shapes. These geodes/crystals are loaded with power and can be used for multiple different purposes. You can charge current pieces with them or create new ones as we did with several of them. These crystals have an interesting type of power inside, we are finding that it is very moldable. We have simply had to focus on what we wanted the power to be able to do and it happens very fast. We have never seen such an easily shaped power source before. This is RAW power- IT DOESN'T COME WITH ABILITIES - You must shape it yourself!!!!! The great thing is that your imagination can make these into anything you want! No Special touch needed. Just HOLD in hands and focus on the ABILITIES you want the crystal to form inside. Once you have a clear idea of the power dunk the crystal underwater entirely while holding it for 3 or more seconds. Allow drying naturally in sunlight to complete. Once we run out of these they are gone until that particular constellation graces us with a meteor shower again.