Gnostic Sacred Geometry and Numerology
Gnostic Sacred Geometry and Numerology
Gnostic Sacred Geometry and Numerology

Gnostic Sacred Geometry and Numerology

Regular price $ 38.00
This piece was fashioned to look like a gnostic seal that was found in a secret temple in Greece. We did not create this piece, rather we bought it at the Underground Auction. We were given a brief history on the piece, including the fact that these are initiation pieces for a secret gnostic sect that lives in Greece. The temple that it comes from? Well, it's simply called the Gnostic Temple, which doesn't really do us any good in trying to search up more information on it, because there are dozens of hits on Google when you type it in. So, we have not personally traveled to the temple that this piece comes from, but it is super powerful.

This holds a magic that opens up your eyes to both sacred geometry and sacred numerology. This piece allows you to be able to see the way shapes and numbers, and the manipulation thereof can unlock magic from the high realms. An example of this would be the sacred geometry of the patterns of the orbits of the solar system. These shapes are highly magic and when you learn how to master the shape of the orbit, it unlocks the energies that are associated with that planet. Another example of this would be reading the Bible and know the significance and the magic behind numbers like 12, 72, 3, 666, and the measurements of things like the Ark of the Covenant and Noah's Ark. You will be able to use these numbers in ways that will open up hidden knowledge and magic that will be given to you.

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