Good Vibrations Drop the Veil
Regular price
$ 38.00
The magic inside this piece comes from the Temple of the Feathered Serpent. There is an energy there that has gone into making this piece. Well, it's actually more like a form of knowledge. It is the same knowledge with which the Mayans built their short and long count calendar. This knowledge dictates that time and space are more or less a fallacy and that all things exist together at once, only they exist at separate points on the space-time continuum. When you wear this piece, there will be a metaphysical cog in your brain that begins to turn. This will transform your brain from the basic state of existence that it lives in now into an advanced being that is able to actually see reality for what it really is. This piece will give you the ability to exist across many realms of reality and to be able to travel through space and time. It allows you to drop the veil between your own plane of existence and the other planes of existence where the gods and other supreme beings exist, so that way you can gain their knowledge, wisdom, and powers. All in all, this piece just puts you at a higher frequency and vibrations that allow you to live life as it was designed to be lived, not in some dumbed down mindless Hell that was created for us. The powers in this piece come from the feathered serpent who is the keeper of pure knowledge.