Gypsy Crystal 3rd Eye Awakening
Regular price
$ 38.00
This is a very simple piece to use, but the power that it holds in it is something that many people covet. First and foremost, this was given to us by Grizzelle. She didn't make it herself, but it was made by a member of her Romani bloodline. I believe it was her first cousin that made it. Either way, it was made using a very old Gypsy Recipe. The crystal is a Gypsy Crystal and the magic in it will completely align the chakra and open up the 3rd Eye. This 3rd Eye Awakening allows you to elevate your consciousness into the state of psychic awareness. This will allow you to embrace and hold full control over a whole slew of psychic faculties. These include mind control, the ability see and shift the future, white light healing, white light absent healing, astral meditation, psychometry, crytallomancy, audiomancy, telekinesis, mind reading, enchantment, aeromancy, pyromancy, many others. To bond with this piece, you will have to wear this piece for no less than one full moon cycle before you begin to feel the effects of the magic in this ring take place. Gypsies love the moon, it's just how they do this. Either way, this is a powerful recipe and you will not be disappointed.